
New Immigrant: Natalia’s Story

When Natalia, a single mom, escaped the Ukraine war, she fled to Israel with her two daughters, and her 10-year-old special needs son Dima. She recalls, “The situation back home was tense as the fighting continued. I decided to try to give my children a better future.”

Dima was diagnosed at 3 months old with cerebral palsy, and was in the hospital every month and half. The move to Israel offered him better medical care. Yet, Natalia still faced mobility challenges, saying, “We were able to get into a special school. But to transport Dima, we needed a specialized wheelchair. Without it, I had to take him to school by myself.”

And because of their refugee status, she could not get health insurance to cover the wheelchair costs. Alone in a new country, where could she turn?

Gratefully, friends like you were there for this young family. Through CBN Israel, donors provided a wheelchair, along with groceries and household essentials. Natalia adds, “We also needed a special bathing chair. I had trouble giving my son baths because he can’t sit up on his own. It was stressful for him, and he would be scared. Now it’ll be a lot easier!” Thanks to our caring donors, she says, “I have hope for the future. You have restored my faith in humanity.”

And your gifts to CBN Israel can give hope and help to others who are struggling—to war victims, elderly Holocaust survivors, lone soldiers, and more. Thousands across Israel are in crisis situations. Your support can bring nutritious meals, housing, and financial assistance to those in need.

Please join us in blessing Israel’s people at this crucial time!


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