
Saving Lives By Renovating Bomb Shelters

Recently, a team of CBN Israel volunteers went up north to the Galilee region to renovate a bomb shelter. Days later, attacks between Israel and Hezbollah suddenly intensified into an all-out war—making the need for these protective shelters even more urgent.

Hezbollah, an Iranian proxy, is based in southern Lebanon on the border with Israel—and it has an arsenal of 150,000 rockets, missiles, and drones aimed at the Jewish state. The terrorist organization has fired more than 8,000 rockets at Israel up until this current escalation.

And yet, many public bomb shelters in Israel desperately need repair. Due to years of neglect and disuse in calmer times, the plumbing needs to be fixed to make the bathrooms functional, and these safe places must be made ready if residents take refuge for extended periods of time.

Thankfully, friends like you were there, through CBN Israel’s partnership with Tenufa Bakehila. This group rehabilitates housing for underprivileged families—and since October 7, they have been renovating public bomb shelters in marginalized communities.

Meanwhile, 6 miles south of Lebanon’s border, the Israeli town of Hatzor Haglilit had dodged rockets and shrapnel for 11months. And now, they were under direct attack. But when they asked Tenufa Bakehila to help protect its 12,000 residents, their budget had just run out.

However, the next day, caring donors provided the funds to renovate their shelter! Plus, CBN Israel volunteers assisted in painting and repairing this shelter, located beneath an apartment building with 16 families. It will serve them and others nearby without shelters.

Residents thanked CBN Israel, and the mayor exclaimed, “The work you are doing here is not a luxury item. It is life-saving! With these renovations, we can stay here if needed for days.”

This is just one way your gifts to CBN Israel can offer crucial help to vulnerable Israelis. You can also bring food, housing, and essentials to others in need.

Please join us in reaching out to victims of war and terrorism!


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