Delivering Hot Meals to Those in Need - CBN Israel


Delivering Hot Meals to Those in Need

Most people take for granted being able to grocery shop and cook their own meals at home. But some people in Israel must rely on others for a prepared meal due to their circumstances.

They may be elderly or disabled, living in shelters or institutions, or displaced by the war. Many are impoverished and barely able to provide for themselves. And the nonprofit organizations that care for them often have their resources stretched thin by the escalating needs.

At the same time, 35 percent of all food produced in Israel ends up in landfills and not consumed. That amounts to 2.2 billion pounds of nutritious food wasted each year and adds to environmental waste disposal issues. So, is there a good way to solve both problems at once?

Thankfully, friends like you are part of a  smart, sustainable solution. Through CBN Israel’s partnership with the country’s largest food banks, you are rescuing surplus prepared food from hotels, corporate cafeterias, and IDF bases—and redistributing it to vulnerable groups served by soup kitchens, senior centers, women’s shelters, and schools for at-risk youth.

All meals are collected using refrigerated vans on 17 routes throughout Israel. The meals are either delivered directly to a nonprofit partner—or cold-stored overnight at a distribution hub and delivered to the partner agency for immediate consumption the next day.

With regular communication between suppliers and nonprofit partners, food safety is maintained from the time of collection until delivery. And thanks to caring donors, recipients who are at-risk or displaced are on track to receive 2.4 million healthy meals throughout the year.

This is just one example of how your gifts to CBN Israel can extend a lifeline to so many in crisis. You can also offer groceries, safe housing, and essentials to aging Holocaust survivors, single moms, and terror victims.

Please join us in being a blessing to those in need this holiday season!


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