
Victim of Terrorism: Yehonatan’s Story

Imagine if terrorists suddenly invaded your neighborhood, turning it into a war zone. Soon, you and your loved ones are evacuated hours away to a safe area. You are glad to be alive—yet now you have no job, no basic necessities, and no idea when you can return home.

That’s what Yehonatan’s family faced, as they were rushed far away from the fighting at the Gaza border. Living in a hotel room with their lives uprooted, it’s been especially hard on his son, who is sad about missing school and his friends. Yehonatan says, “He’s tired…he just wants to go home.” They live day to day with an uncertain future, along with others like them.

He continued, “We have to try and keep expenses to a minimum. It’s not easy, because we pay rent for a house we no longer live in.” They took very little with them—and now they are out of work. But thanks to friends like you, this family’s needs are being met through CBN Israel.

Donors provided meals, clothing, and temporary lodging. Yehonatan said, “Here we don’t have to pay anything, and we are taken care of. The fact that we are safe is most important.” He adds, “Your giving is really, really extraordinary. It is hard to comprehend how much you’ve donated, and it has touched our hearts!” And our partners have helped thousands more caught in the crossfire.

Your gifts to CBN Israel can extend an ongoing hand of compassion to other evacuees, as well as Holocaust survivors, single moms, immigrants, and terror victims.

As Israel’s people are being challenged on every front, your support can let them know they aren’t alone. You can deliver nutritious food, shelter, finances, and basic furniture and appliances for those struggling to survive.

Please be a part of this special outreach with a gift today!


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