
Holocaust Survivor: Mila’s Story

When World War II started, Mila was only 6 years old. She remembered her father leaving for the army, and evacuating with her mother and siblings to survive, saying, “There were bombs exploding all around. God spared us.”

Mila eventually married, and since she and her family were Jewish, they immigrated to Israel. Over the years, she made a life for herself there, but it became more challenging when her husband passed away. She says, “My budget is very limited—I cook very simple food.”

After years of financial struggles and loneliness, Mila was emergency rushed one night to the hospital with very high blood pressure. She says, “I felt very ill, and thought I was going to die.” Insurance did not cover all her expenses, and she said, “I owed a lot of money. The bill was very high. And I have to take expensive medicine.” Where could she turn for help?

Thankfully, friends like you were there for her. Through CBN Israel, caring donors paid Mila’s costs for the ambulance, hospital, and medicine that her insurance didn’t cover—plus, they got her a new blood pressure monitor. And they brought her bags of groceries, and invited her to join other seniors to socialize and eat healthy at a center supported by CBN Israel. This precious Holocaust survivor exclaimed in tears, “I feel honored by your kindness… May God bless you!”

Your gifts to CBN Israel can help so many elderly, single moms, terror victims, Holocaust survivors, and others struggling to survive. With thousands of lives in crisis since the war, your support is crucial in bringing food, housing, and emergency aid to Israelis in need.

Please join us in blessing others in need!


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