
Victim of Terrorism: Anatoly and Luba’s Story

Victim of Terrorism: Anatoly and Luba’s Story

Anatoly and Luba left Ukraine years ago and moved to Sderot in southern Israel, where they lived with their four children. Although they became accustomed to sporadic rocket fire from Gaza, the attacks of October 7 felt different.

Luba heard a whistling sound, and Anatoly shouted, “Run!” The family rushed into their safe room just seconds before a Hamas rocket crashed into the adjacent bedroom. “My husband had to force the door to open—and then this sharp, black smoke. The kids were scared, I was shaking all over,” Luba told us. Although no one was hurt, the apartment was badly damaged, and their belongings were destroyed.

They were evacuated to temporary housing for seven months, living out of boxes and sleeping on air mattresses. The government repaired the damage in their apartment, but all their possessions were ruined. Luba worried, “The children’s beds, the furniture—it was a big expense. How would we pay for it?”

Fortunately, friends like you came to their rescue through CBN Israel. Sometime earlier, as a recent immigrant, Luba had been in counseling with Rina, a local ministry partner of CBN Israel, who helped her adjust to Israel’s culture.

Rina contacted CBN Israel about Luba’s plight. Donors provided funding to restore her children’s room, buy needed furniture, give them a new computer, and make their place feel like home again. “It felt wonderful, knowing there are people who care,” said Luba. “Your help is a big bright light in this situation.”

And your gifts to CBN Israel can make life brighter for many other victims of the war—plus single moms, desperate refugees, and aging Holocaust survivors. Your support can bring them hot meals, financial aid, and trauma therapy. In addition, you can help deliver important news and documentaries from the Holy Land to the world.

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