
Feeding Hungry People in Wartime

When Hamas invaded southern Israel last October, thousands of residents were forced to evacuate their homes and farms—leaving behind unharvested crops and triggering a chain reaction of food scarcity and price hikes. 

Many throughout the country feared that a dire situation was on the horizon for needy Israelis.

But thanks to compassionate friends like you, CBN Israel linked arms with Leket Israel, the nation’s top food bank, and sponsored two trucks (and drivers) that delivered 1.6 million pounds of rescued fresh fruit and vegetables along with 30,000 hot meals to people suffering from food insecurity during this time of war.

CBN Israel shares Leket’s mission: to rescue nutritious produce and collect hot meals that would otherwise be discarded—and redistribute them to those in need. Partnering with some 200 nonprofits, this helps ensure that thousands of people receive healthy food daily.

One nonprofit organization that receives hot meals each weekday thanks to the support of caring CBN Israel donors is Ort Beit Haarva. This vocational school in Jerusalem trains students from low-income families.

“For most of our students, the lunch they receive is the only hot meal they eat that day,” said Ilanit, the school’s social services coordinator. “Their parents aren’t able to provide for them … and that’s why it’s so important for them to receive it here at school.”

Odelle, one of the students, said she is encouraged knowing a meal is waiting for her. “I’m able to focus better on my studies because food is something that nourishes you and helps you keep going,” she said.

Thanks to kindhearted donors, other meals are distributed to a soup kitchen, a high school, and a home for the elderly.

Your gifts to CBN Israel can give hope and aid to so many in need who feel alone. You can offer them food, housing, financial help, and more.

Please consider a special gift today to bless those in need throughout the Holy Land!


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