
Victims of Terrorism: Alexei and Valeria’s Story

It was a harrowing time, as Ukrainian immigrants Alexei and Valeria escaped their country’s war in 2023. Leaving all their possessions behind, they took refuge in Israel. Yet, moving into an unfurnished apartment in another country, they lacked the basic necessities, and needed help. 

Fortunately, friends like you were there for them. A friend told them about CBN Israel, and caring donors provided them with a brand-new refrigerator, and a sofa that they had wanted but couldn’t afford.

However, a year later in Israel, they were caught in another war. During the escalation with Lebanon, a rocket exploded 50 yards from their apartment building. The family ran to the safe room, where they saw that Alexei’s father was bleeding, and Alexei was cut.

Valeria shared, “They were small wounds, but it was scary. All the windows were blown out. The furniture we bought was damaged. I was crying, because I was very scared.” They survived—but the explosion had devastated their apartment and what little they had.

And our donors came to their aid again. While the government repaired the apartment, donors replaced the furniture, and provided groceries, cooking utensils, and a vacuum cleaner. Valeria exclaimed, “This rocket could’ve ended our life, but CBN gave us a new chance to get ahead!”

Your gift to CBN Israel can give so many in need a chance to survive and get ahead. You can be there with meals, housing, finances, and more.

And your support is vital in reaching out to refugees, terror victims, Holocaust survivors, and single moms in crisis situations.

Please help us share God’s compassion at this crucial time!


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Holocaust Survivor: Michael’s Story

Jerusalem Central Town is a non-profit organization and a very special local partner with CBN Israel. They provide a safe home for people aged 80 and over—all of whom survived World War II and the Holocaust. And Michael, an 87-year-old Holocaust survivor, is their chairman and advocate.

Most aging members of this wonderful organization are poor, and often living with deteriorating health. Sadly, the government doesn’t provide all their needs—especially their need for walkers, wheelchairs, and special medicines. With minimal resources, many can only afford the most basic essentials. Michael was desperate to find help for these people.

And CBN Israel was there for these precious seniors. Michael met with the head of our Holocaust survivor department and shared the difficulties these residents have faced during the COVID-19 pandemic—including intense loneliness, lack of support, and some even dying alone.

Right now, their most pressing need was for walkers—and we delivered them. Thanks to friends like you, they have the freedom to walk again—even to use the restroom by themselves. And when the lockdown is lifted, they can enjoy strolling outside to parks, or to visit neighbors. Michael was delighted, saying, “I’m so grateful to CBN Israel donors, who care so much…”

CBN Israel is also bringing much-needed aid and God’s love to others who are vulnerable, including terror victims, refugees, and hurting families.

Your support is urgently needed, and can provide food, shelter, financial assistance, and more to those in need—while sharing what God is doing in the Holy Land through CBN News and our documentaries.

You can make a difference for so many—please consider a gift today!


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Hani and the Children’s Club

He never imagined it might come to this. As a child, Hani loved the sense of camaraderie he found at the local children’s club in Jerusalem’s Old City. In fact, he and his friends who still live nearby reminisce about the good times they had enjoyed in this place of friendship, learning and laughter. Today an accomplished handyman, when Hani learned that the facility housing the club had fallen into disrepair, he was delighted to be asked to help make the needed fixes. 

His memories of this special children’s club are pretty much in keeping with what goes on there today. Arabic-speaking children from diverse backgrounds—both Muslim and Christian—look forward to the weekly gatherings, where they play games, sing songs, and hear Bible stories about Jesus. The group’s founders recognized that consistent, long-term relationships and providing for tangible needs really do help foster a sense of community among families, many of whom suffer from poverty and other issues.

When the children’s club, a partner of CBN Israel, needed to make a number of vital repairs to their facility, the support of friends like you made it possible to complete these necessary projects. We also provided new equipment to the children’s club, plus an extra season of CBN’s animated Bible series, Superbook, in Arabic for the kids.

And as it turns out, Hani’s skilled hands were there to lovingly provide the labor for a community center that had made such a difference on him as a child. “We have to do good,” Hani exclaimed. “God wants us to express His love and goodwill to everyone, especially those in need.” 

Your support can be a vital lifeline to families and communities in need—including lonely refugees, terror victims, Holocaust survivors, single moms, young children, and so many others who desperately need our help. 


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COVID-19 Food Distribution

With the outbreak of COVID-19 and the resulting economic downturn, a new threat arose all throughout Israel: the threat of hunger. Large segments of the population have struggled with having enough to eat, and CBN Israel’s food distribution programs have seen the needs firsthand. 

Many Israeli seniors, including Holocaust survivors, live below the poverty line, and can hardly afford basic necessities. Often, they don’t have family or anyone to care for them. Added to that, they are isolated and alone from the lockdowns and restrictions and left to fend for themselves. 

Plus, thousands of families have been hurt severely by the pandemic—with great numbers laid off from work or needing to stay home with their children due to school closures. Families already grappling with poverty suffered even worse effects, while others suddenly couldn’t make ends meet for the very first time. How would they survive this crisis? 

Thanks to friends like you, CBN Israel has been there for seniors and families across the nation—providing food packages, food vouchers, and other vital aid. In fact, since the outbreak began, CBN Israel has distributed record amounts of groceries and basic relief to the hurting. 

We are also helping Israel’s vulnerable with financial aid, housing, and much more—both now and beyond the pandemic. Your support can be a critical lifeline in giving compassionate relief to those who are living week to week in the Holy Land. 

Arik, the head of CBN Israel’s family department, has witnessed how much a bag of groceries can mean to those in need, and says, “Together, we can make such a difference in people’s lives. Please join us in blessing Israel and her people during this season.” 


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