
Victim of Terrorism: Yovel’s Story

Married just one month, Yovel planned to relax over the October 7 weekend with her new husband Mor. It had been a hectic season of wedding events and Jewish holidays. Instead, friends insisted they all go together to a music festival in southern Israel. That decision would alter Yovel’s life forever.

Ten minutes after they arrived, rockets flew overhead, and they jumped back in the car and sped north. Believing they were out of harm’s way, the road was suddenly blocked by a white Hamas truck. Mor decided to go around it, telling them to “duck and start praying.” As he swerved, bullets pounded their car. Tragically, a bullet hit Mor’s head, as the car flipped into a ditch.

When Yovel regained consciousness, asking who in the car was alive, she panicked when Mor didn’t answer. Trying in vain to revive him, she screamed, “It can’t be that you’re dead! It can’t be. We just got married—there’s no way!” And then, they realized that Hamas terrorists were roaming nearby, shooting anyone in the vehicles they had struck, and finishing off any survivors.

So for five hours, they pretended to be dead, as they heard the horrific sounds of abductions, rapes, and executions. Finally, the army arrived, and got them to a hospital. Yet now, Yovel, who is 26, is dealing with severe anxiety attacks and nightmares, and can’t go back to work.

But through CBN Israel’s partnership with the Jewish Agency, friends like you gave Yovel financial assistance to help support her until she is able to work. Donors also offered her trauma care and counseling, as she starts her life over. She says, “Thank you for opening your hearts, so that we can smile and laugh again… It is not taken for granted how you are standing with us.”

In addition, your ongoing support to CBN Israel can offer safe shelter and hot meals to war victims, while providing groceries, housing, and essentials to families and the elderly who need our help.

Please join us in extending a hand of compassion to those in crisis!


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