
Victim of Terrorism: Katerina’s Story

Katerina and her husband Alexsky were raising their family in Ukraine when the Russian attacks began in 2014. Alexsky saw how it traumatized their oldest daughter, who was 10 years old, and knew it was time to leave. They sought refuge in Israel and made Aliyah, becoming Israeli citizens in 2017.

Then came the October 7 Hamas invasion. With no safe room in her apartment, their oldest daughter, now an adult, was terrified, and moved back home. When their city of Ashkelon came under heavy rocket fire, Katerina stayed at home with the kids, while Alexsky had to work, facing danger in the streets. The government soon evacuated Katrina and her children to safety, while Alexsky looked for extra jobs, trying in vain to make ends meet.

When Katerina returned, their finances were even tighter. She recalls, “Because I wasn’t working, we suddenly couldn’t pay the bills. It was very stressful.” Yet, friends like you were there for them.

Through CBN Israel’s partnership with a local ministry, the food packages that caring donors provided for this desperate family kept them from starving. They also gave the couple emergency finances for extra groceries and essentials, and to pay off their mounting debt from lost income during the war. Katerina shared, “We’re very thankful for people who care. It was a big help. We’re so grateful!”

Your gifts to CBN Israel can help many more war victims with food, lodging, and necessities—while continuing to assist others in dire need. And your support can also offer a crucial lifeline to elderly Holocaust survivors, single mothers, refugees, and those who are struggling alone.

Please consider blessing Israel’s people at this critical time!


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