
Providing Food and a Sense of Home for the Displaced

Talya was anxious about returning home to Maagalim, near Gaza, with its daily sirens and rocket fire. She and her little boy, along with her neighbors, were evacuated to a moshav, or farm community, in Yad Hashmona outside Jerusalem. She is safer, but living in transition has been challenging.


Evacuees from the north and south have had to make a new routine here and a sense of home for themselves. And organizations like CBN Israel have joined together to help with that process.


Thanks to caring friends like you, CBN Israel has offered evacuees temporary lodging and essentials, along with a food truck that hands out free lunches every day. Here, they can gather at the truck for a midday meal to connect with each other, and share the traumas and challenges of being displaced. For now, it gives them something to look forward to—and a sense of belonging.


Donors also hosted a festival for families, with bouncy castles, carnival food, and a Superbook movie. For the displaced children staying there, it gives them a reprieve from the war.


“The kids are living out of their house …there’s no school, there’s no normal life,” CBN Israel Director Daniel Carlson explains. “This just gives them some time to forget and be kids again.”


As an architect, Talya realizes the difference between a house and a home, and observes, “Back in my town near the Gaza border, I only have four walls to go back to… What we have here is home, we have routine.” She is thankful for those who have supported her, and says, “It warms my heart that there are people who think of us, in this dark situation, who want the best for us.”


And your gifts to CBN Israel can offer encouragement and practical aid to so many war victims—as well as to Holocaust survivors, single moms, and refugees. The needs are great, and you can make a difference.


Please join with us today in blessing those in need!



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