
Victim of Terrorism: Alina’s Story

Alina’s family was always prepared to deal with missile attacks, living in Ashkelon near the Gaza border. But when terrorists invaded their streets, they were all evacuated right away. 

Alina said, “It’s scary, and I still have nightmares because of everything we’ve seen. Inside, I’m shaking—but I have to show my kids that everything is okay to put them at ease.”

When their community was still under fire from Hamas, Alina said, “I’m not ready to go home. Being cooped up in an apartment is psychologically difficult on the kids. They are afraid.” Yet, residing day after day in temporary housing was not easy—even though it was a safe refuge.

For Alina and her husband, there were also financial concerns. She says, “I work at a kindergarten, and I didn’t make any money this month. My husband is also working part-time. We’re trying to be very frugal right now, even though the kids keep asking for things.” 

So how could they survive? Fortunately, caring donors came to their rescue. Through CBN Israel, they provided lodging, meals, supplies, counseling—and hope, during this difficult time. Alina shares, “It’s been such a blessing. We can eat here, and not have to worry about spending money we don’t have. We are so thankful. It’s been like a breath of fresh air. God bless you!”

Your gifts to CBN Israel can bless so many in the Holy Land who worry about survival—by delivering food, emergency aid and ongoing assistance. The war has taken a huge toll across that nation. Your support is crucial in bringing vital help to terror victims, Holocaust survivors, single moms, and more.

Please be a part of this important outreach to Israel’s people!


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