
The Prophecy of Simeon

At that time there was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon. He was righteous and devout and was eagerly waiting for the Messiah to come and rescue Israel. The Holy Spirit was upon him and had revealed to him that he would not die until he had seen the Lord’s Messiah. That day the Spirit led him to the Temple. So when Mary and Joseph came to present the baby Jesus to the Lord as the law required, Simeon was there. He took the child in his arms and praised God, saying, “Sovereign Lord, now let your servant die in peace, as you have promised. I have seen your salvation, which you have prepared for all people. He is a light to reveal God to the nations, and he is the glory of your people Israel!” Jesus’ parents were amazed at what was being said about him. Then Simeon blessed them, and he said to Mary, the baby’s mother, “This child is destined to cause many in Israel to fall, and many others to rise. He has been sent as a sign from God, but many will oppose him. As a result, the deepest thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your very soul” (Luke 2:25-35 nlt).

The yearning for redemption permeated the hopes of many within the land of Israel in the first century. Simeon and the prophetess Anna (Luke 2:36-38) belonged to those circles that adopted a somber position of mourning over the present situation (see Matthew 5:4; Luke 6:21) and yet looked forward to the redemption of Jerusalem (Luke 2:38).

The Jewish people found themselves occupied by Rome, and many also saw a religious decline, as well; they longed for God to fulfill His promises to His people.

The Gospel stories of the births of John the Baptist and Jesus frame the arrival of these two figures within the Jewish hopes of redemption. The births of God’s Messiah and his forerunner proclaim that God has not abandoned His people. He has answered their cry for deliverance.

The path both figures, John and Jesus, will lay out within their ministries is the call to repentance. In Matthew, we hear John declare, “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near” (Matthew 3:2 nlt), and we later find Jesus preaching the exact same message in the very next chapter.

Repentance brings redemption near. In this way, Simeon was correct; Jesus was set for the fall and rise of many in Israel. It was not enough to belong to the chosen people, because one must choose to believe in the One that God sent. Herein lies the path of redemption.

Simeon waited all his life yearning to see God’s redemption. He hoped for it; he prayed for it. He didn’t live to see the consolation of Israel, but he did see the way God would bring it about. He saw the Lord’s anointed—he saw Jesus, the Messiah.

God is faithful to His word. It may seem like He delays, and we wonder if we can trust His promises. But God fulfilled His promise to His people, and He fulfilled His personal promise to Simeon.

Do we have the patience to wait for God to fulfill His word? In our waiting, do we actively pursue our obedience to Him? Simeon longed for God’s redemption of His people. Do we long for the redemption of all people through Jesus?


Father, You are a God who fulfills Your Word. You are faithful. The greatest demonstration of Your faithfulness to this world was sending Your son Jesus. May we pursue lives of obedience that bear the fruit of repentance. Amen.

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The Song of the Angels

Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.” And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” (Luke 2:8-14 NKJV)

We frequently sing, “Angels we have heard on high, sweetly singing o’er the plains” at Christmas. The season would not be complete without “Gloria in excelsis Deo!”—Glory to God in the highest. Yet how often do we reflect upon the meaning of the words the angels declared?

The praise of the angels to the shepherds recorded in Luke’s Gospel underscored the reality of God’s nearness in the birth of Jesus, as well as embodying Jewish redemptive hopes of the first century.

It also gives voice to the hope for redemption shared by Jews and Christians through the centuries. With the advent of Jesus, God draws near to His people—His goodwill is for everyone. His reign dawns through those who obey His will. He demonstrates that He is Immanuel—God with us.

The angels told the shepherds that their message of good news “will be to all people” (Luke 2:10 NKJV). God’s goodwill is not simply for the elect; it extends to everyone, for “He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous” (Matthew 5:45 NASB).

His merciful will reaches out to all mankind to bring peace, completeness, and wholeness. And, in the birth of Jesus, God has drawn near to demonstrate within the bounds of history what His will is, to give voice and example to His will (see Hebrews 1:1-2).

God’s will is for all humankind. In the birth of Jesus, His glory, peace, and favor have drawn near to everyone. This is the good news the angels proclaimed: God is for us!

The message of the angels was an announcement of God’s nearness. God is for us, and He has drawn near to us. God is a part of human history; therefore, there is hope. God has not turned a blind eye to the suffering of the righteous or a deaf ear to the cry of the afflicted.

His mercy extends to all mankind: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” (Luke 2:13-14 NKJV)


Father, in this Advent season, as we reflect on Your nearness and goodwill toward us, may we extend Your mercy and goodwill to everyone around us, even those who are away from you. And, in so doing, may we truly proclaim with the angels: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.” Amen.

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Corrie ten Boom’s Wisdom Still Speaks Today

By Arlene Bridges Samuels

Beloved by Christians for generations, Corrie ten Boom has sustained and inspired millions with her wisdom. One of those sayings is: “When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don’t throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer.”

Her book The Hiding Place, published in 1971, tells the story of her family, watchmakers in Haarlem, the Netherlands, during the Holocaust. She was a heroine in the Dutch resistance and survived imprisonment in a concentration camp after Nazis arrested her and her sister for hiding and saving Jewish families.

Both Christians and Jews esteem Corrie. Israel’s Yad Vashem Remembrance Authority honored Corrie ten Boom (1892-1983) as “Righteous Among the Nations.” Strolling along the Avenue of the Righteous at Yad Vashem, Christian visitors make sure to stop at Corrie’s tree, which was dedicated on December 12, 1967. I have walked the avenue many times. Her tree has grown tall.

My interest in Israel began when I married my Jewish husband, Paul. When we heard Corrie speak at a church, her testimony motivated our advocacy for Israel. Reading The Hiding Place, seeing the movie, and visiting the Ten Boom House Museum in the Netherlands has remained with both of us, a Gentile and Jewish couple.

Following the horrors of October 7, 2023, I have written every week about Israeli traumas in the aftermath. Israel had instituted trauma treatments in the past, such as the Israel Trauma Coalition and its 12 resilience centers that provide multidisciplinary intervention before, during, and after emergencies. However, with an entire nation traumatized the need is massive.

Avida Bachar, a farmer from Kibbutz Be’eri, watched Hamas terrorists murder his wife and son on October 7. He also lost his leg and makes an observation that the United States and every other country need to understand: “Palestinians must be moved from Gaza … transfer them to other sovereign states.” Since no other nation is willing to relocate them, it leaves Israel under intense pressure to solve the problem amid terrorists threatening them every day and well into the future.

After October 7, Israel quickly began expanding every trauma treatment avenue in its government and in private institutions—joined by Jewish institutions globally and Christian charities, as well. For example, CBN Israel, Regent University, and the Israel Trauma Coalition developed a unique approach to train Russian-speaking Israeli counselors to help Russian-speaking Israelis, who comprise 15 to 20 percent of the Israeli population. The trauma therapy techniques they implemented were learned by counselors during Ukraine’s war with Russia.

Jewish Israelis are attempting to embrace their histories of resilience, yet their process is compounded by antisemitic demonstrations invading the world with shouts of “kill the Jews.” It is shocking that protestors refuse to understand why Israel is forced to defend its nation in the seven-front war it’s currently engaged in.

Jewish traumas are historically deep-seated and brutal amid echoes of expulsions, pogroms, and the Holocaust. My husband Paul’s parents, like millions of Jewish refugees to America (1880-1924), fled Russian pogroms as children with their parents. They stepped into freedom through Ellis Island, later met and married in Bronx, New York, worked hard, and raised five children. His “pops” served in World War II, drove a taxi, and ran a newspaper stand in Manhattan. They rarely if ever spoke about that period, but Paul vividly remembers his mom describing her childhood traumas “hiding in haystacks” to escape the Russian czar’s pogroms against Jews. Paul is a proud first-generation American, a Navy veteran, and has adopted Fiddler on the Roof as his family’s story.

In addition to Israel’s national trauma, it seems that mental health struggles are hovering like a cloud over our world. Here in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control reported that we are facing a “mental health catastrophe.”

Our response to this catastrophe is three-fold. Paul and I coauthored the recently published book, Mental Health Meltdown: Illuminating the Voices of Bipolar and Other Mental Illnesses. We wrote it to help others hold on to hope, as we had amid our own personal dark clouds and blue skies. We have been married for 48 years, and Paul’s lifelong bipolar condition was finally diagnosed 25 years ago. Second, Paul began volunteering in 2022 as a weekly co-facilitator with the national Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA). Finally, and most significantly, as believers we felt compelled to share our own pain to comfort others with the comfort God has repeatedly given to us in 2 Corinthians 1:3-5.

Corrie ten Boom’s testimony grew even more foundational from years ago, capturing our hearts for Israel, and now when we began writing and formulating messages of hope and help. Her quote, which I mentioned above, is included in our prologue. The train theme became descriptive for our book! Mental Health Meltdown is a reader-friendly book, a traveling companion that pierces the darkness with light—through first-person stories of 35 others who share their sorrows and successes with depression, bipolar, PTSD, and other mental health issues.

We invite readers to ride what we call the hope train through their individual tunnels and to sit with us and our storytellers to gather practical tools and look ahead for Light and trust the Engineer. In voicing wide-ranging life experiences—ours and others’—we want the stories to help readers grasp insights about differently wired brains from a variety of people.

Public perceptions are changing and hopefully erasing stigmas. No one chooses a physical disability or illness, and no one chooses a mental illness. When the public views mental illnesses with the same kindnesses offered to those with physical illnesses, it will serve to reduce the reality that “no one takes my status seriously because no one can see the disability.”

We have discovered that pastors are often at a loss about how to approach mental health support within their congregations. We included a chapter with one inspiring and insightful pastor’s sermon where he kindly and honestly spoke about mental illnesses. He clearly emphasizes that “God works through miracles and medicines,” and adds, “If you are in Christ and suffer with mental health issues, it does not mean you are less of a Christian nor is it a sin to have a mental illness.” He illustrates King David’s depression in Psalm 139:7-12. His chapter is incredibly helpful!

Personally, knowing others with mental illnesses—and knowing Israelis are determined to survive amid profound grief and traumas—let us recall the prophet Elijah falling asleep under a juniper tree due to emotional, spiritual, and physical exhaustion. In 1 Kings 19:3-4. Elijah asked God to take his life, yet God responded with comfort, encouraging him to rest and providing food and water for him. When it comes to Israel and anyone you know grappling with mental struggles, following God’s example of focusing on prayer, with help and comfort as your watchwords.

You may order our words in Mental Health Meltdown on Amazon.

Our CBN Israel team welcomes you to pray with us this week:

  • Pray for an outpouring of help for Israelis in their daily national trauma.
  • Pray for the hostages imprisoned by Hamas amid traumas we cannot even imagine.
  • Pray for families of hostages suffering emotional pain and grief.
  • Pray for Americans and their families who are facing mental health crises.


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New Immigrant: Yura and Irina’s Story

Yura and Irina were living in Lugansk, Ukraine, when the Russian attacks began near their home in 2014. The fighting grew fierce, and the windows of their apartment were shattered several times as neighboring buildings were struck.

When the Russians invaded in force in 2022, they fled to Israel, settling near Nazareth, and made Aliyah to become citizens. Yura received needed eye surgery in Israel, along with monthly treatments to help maintain his vision. But soon, the couple faced other challenges.

Two years after they moved to Israel, they received government housing that had been poorly maintained, and needed some serious renovations. They are both 72 years old, and were having a hard time in their new country making ends meet—let alone having extra money for basic appliances and a bed. Where could they turn for help?

Because friends like you cared, Yura and Irina got the assistance they needed. Through CBN Israel, donors provided finances for a new bed, refrigerator, and stove. They also delivered food and groceries to them, while giving them guidance as they adjust to Israeli life and culture.

Irina exclaimed, “Thank you for your kindness… It means so much knowing that there are people who care about us! We feel protected here in Israel. Even though there is war, we feel at peace.”

Your gifts to CBN Israel can bring help and hope to many others facing challenges—by offering meals, housing, finances, and necessities. And your support can extend a lifeline to single moms, Holocaust survivors, refugees, and war victims throughout the Holy Land.

Please join us in making a difference today!


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Ancient Jewish Culture and Christmas: A Hidden Story Lost in Time?

By Arlene Bridges Samuels

Attending a sing-along of Handel’s magnificent Messiah is one of my favorite traditions during Christmas. Singing carols in our church choir is also a fresh reminder of the past and a hope for the future. Our decorated tree and our simple, gently used manger scene are displayed. On Christmas Eve we will open my 80-year-old family Bible and read about Messiah’s birth in Luke, Chapter 2.

I choose to keep those traditions. However, exploring Genesis 35:21 and Micah 4:8—and doing research about the Tower of the Flock and the professional role of Bethlehem shepherds—add the richness of the Jewish context.

Recognizing the Jewishness of the Bible is more necessary than ever due to Israel’s defense of its ancestral homeland and the resulting tsunami of accusations against it. Christmas 2024 is an excellent opportunity to quietly emphasize Messiah’s birthplace in Bethlehem, Israel, and His Jewish background through Mary. God chose the young Jewish virgin, the only woman in history to receive this singular miracle. Emphasize the fact that our Christian faith was birthed in Israel, and we honor God for enlisting His Jewish scribes to preserve His words in our Bibles.

Neither war nor antisemitism can erase Messiah’s birthplace. Yet, hating Israel is by association a hatred for our Messiah (Y’shua). God in human form chose to come to a little land in a humble act of world-changing redemption as noted in the Bible, which is distinguished by Guinness World Records as the best-selling nonfiction book of all time. In research by the British and Foreign Bible Society, their best estimate is that between 5 and 7 billion copies have been printed since the printing press was invented in the mid-1400s. 

In a recent column, I mentioned research suggesting that King David and Jesus were born in or near Migdal Eder (Micah 5:2), where Levitical shepherds raised and oversaw the births of Passover lambs. Today I’d like to more deeply explore. In ancient times, Migdal Eder (the Tower of the Flock) stood on the road between Bethlehem Ephrath (Bethlehem’s ancient name) and Jerusalem. Migdal Eder no longer stands, but it was known long before Messiah was born.

Genesis 35:19-21 informs us that Jacob (renamed Israel) cast his tent at Migdal Eder, where he buried Rachel, the love of his life. “So, Rachel died and was buried on the way to Bethlehem Ephrathah. Jacob set up a pillar over her tomb and Israel moved on and pitched his tent beyond Migdal Eder.” Today it still marks Rachel’s tomb.

Micah 4:8, a prophecy written around 700 years before Jesus’ birth, reveals, “As for you, watchtower of the flock, stronghold of Daughter Zion, the former dominion will be restored to you; kingship will come to Daughter Jerusalem.” God offered His planned intervention into humankind for Messiah’s coming birth at Migdal into the established Jewish ancestry.

Fast forward to Caesar Augustus’ imperial census decree that set the stage for Joseph to lead Mary, sitting astride a donkey, on the 90-mile trek from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Caesar ordered all Jews to their ancestral home for a census. Bethlehem was the couple’s destination, as Joseph, Jesus’ adoptive father, was in King David’s lineage.

It was part of God’s plan that Mary would give birth to Jesus in Bethlehem—within or near the Tower of the Flock. Micah 5:2 reiterates, “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for Me One who will be ruler over Israel, Whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.” The Tower of the Flock, where sacrificial Temple lambs were born, seems the perfect place for The Perfect Lamb’s birth, which signified His sacrifice for us 33 years later.

Jewish sages writing in the Mishnah (Jewish oral tradition) and the church historian Eusebius (deemed the Father of Church history) confirm the existence of the Tower of the Flock. Eusebius lived from about 260–339 A.D. The tower’s existence was also reinforced by shepherds retelling stories around campfires for hundreds of years before a Byzantine monastery was built over Migdal Eder in the fourth century.

For millennia, shepherds were familiar with the Tower of the Flock. The tower and the Bethlehem fields were their workplace. The Sadducees, in charge of Temple sacrifices, chose the Bethlehem shepherds, who were experts in animal husbandry. Sadducees viewed them as Levitical Shepherd Priests—because the lambs they helped birth and tended among the hay-filled stone mangers were lambs destined for Temple sacrifices.

Migdal Eder was a two-level stone structure, allowing the Chief Shepherd to look out over the flock for predators. At birthing time, shepherds led the ewes from the fields to the tower. The ancient veterinarians reached into the ewe’s womb to pull out the newborns, then snugly wrapped the lambs in strips of swaddling cloths. If the lambs harmed or scarred their limbs, Sadducees rejected them at Passover as Temple sacrifices. Exodus 12:5 instructs, “Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year.”

After the Levitical shepherds herded the lambs into Jerusalem, the Sadducees examined them at the Lamb’s Gate on Palm Sunday (called the Day of Lambs in ancient times). Perfection was the rule in the Temple hierarchy.

When the angel and heavenly host appeared to shepherds in the Bethlehem fields, although stunned the shepherds immediately understood the lyrical directions in the angelic birth announcement. “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a Baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Shepherds knew that Bethlehem Ephrath meant the fields and “town of David.”

As a shepherd boy, David was surely familiar with Migdal Eder, too. We do not know how far the shepherds ran to see the promised Messiah, but no GPS was needed. The Tower of the Flock was their ancient veterinary office.

These glistening threads of ancient Jewish history connect Jesus’ birthplace with the Tower of the Flock where the Temple lambs were born. It is a richer context for Messiah’s destiny as the Sacrificial Lamb. Imagine the glorious songs the Levitical shepherds heard in the night skies, then running toward Migdal Eder to see baby Jesus all in one night! Is it possible that 33 years later, they marveled again while herding that year’s scampering lambs for Messiah’s final Passover as He rode among them?

May this ancient insight into Messiah’s birth shine far brighter in 2024, dispelling darkness now and always! The Lord is our Perfect Lamb and Shepherd!

Our CBN Israel Team welcomes you to join us in celebration focusing on Luke 2:14, Gloria in Excelsis Deo! Glory to God in the Highest!

Prayer Points:

  • Pray gratefully for any personal blessings received since last Christmas.
  • Pray for various Christian denominations in Israel for their safety in war.
  • Prayers and praises for Israel’s commitment to freedom of religion.
  • Prayers and praises for Christian freedoms in Israel, the safest place for them in the Middle East.
  • Pray for increased unity among believers in the Christian, Arab, and Messianic Jewish communities.
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Weekly Devotional: The Birth of Jesus Foretold

And Mary said to the angel, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?” And the angel answered her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy—the Son of God. And behold, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son, and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren. For nothing will be impossible with God.” And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her (Luke 1:34-38 ESV).

The people of Israel faced a number of crises in the period between the Old and New Testaments. These events, some of them traumatic, left deep marks upon the social, cultural, and religious landscape of ancient Judaism.

The events of the second century B.C.—with the successful Jewish revolt against the Seleucids, in the festival of Hanukkah (the Feast of Dedication; John 10:22), and the subsequent eighty-year period of autonomous Jewish reign—dynamically shaped Jewish hopes of redemption. These ideas changed with the reality brought about by the intrusion of the Roman Empire in the form of Pompey the Great in 63 B.C.

By the time of the Angel Gabriel’s appearance to Mary, the land of Israel found itself under Roman rule, which at times could be oppressive. The reality posed by Rome challenged the widely held belief among the Jews that our God is the only god, and we are His chosen people. The present reality produced a widespread yearning for God’s redemption, which many thought His Messiah would accomplish.

Gabriel announced a message to Mary that had been anticipated and hoped for by many. So, on the one hand, she was prepared to hear it and receive it. There was only one problem. She was to be the vessel of God’s redemption, giving birth to His Son. And she was a virgin: “How will this be, since I am a virgin?”

Gabriel then proceeded to relay how this would be accomplished, concluding with the reminder, “For nothing will be impossible with God.” Mary found herself incapable of seeing how she could fulfill what Gabriel told her. Yet, upon hearing what God intended to do, Mary’s response was one of trust and obedience: “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.”

The message of Advent is God entering into human history in a way that He had not done before. At the moment when things looked the bleakest for His people and impossible for Mary, He provided a way. He entered their story.

Throughout the Bible, God showed up to deliver His people. When circumstances seemed the darkest, He sent messages of hope. When things seemed impossible, He sent deliverance. God is for us. The annunciation of the birth of Jesus to Mary proclaims that He is with us.

Will we choose to respond to God, like Mary, with trust and obedience? Even when we don’t understand how He will accomplish His purposes, will we choose to act as His servants? Mary chose to trust what God told her and to submit to His will. Her choice led to the redemption of the world.

This Christmas and Advent season, will we trust God regardless of the appearance of our external circumstances? Will we obediently submit to His will for Him to bring hope and deliverance in our lives?


Father, thank You for sending Your Son into the world. Regardless of how difficult the circumstances appeared, You made a way. May we submit to You as Your servants to bring Your light and hope to those around us. Amen.

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Thanksgiving: A Time to Reflect on the Special Bond Between the U.S. and Israel

By Arlene Bridges Samuels

Often lost in the pages of American history was that 41 pilgrim fathers signed the Mayflower Compact, with their endorsement coming even before our Pilgrim fathers and mothers disembarked from their ship, the Mayflower. The Compact became the first document of the New World’s government. It was signed on November 11, 1620. At the first Thanksgiving, some historians believe the Pilgrims fashioned their celebration after the Jewish fall festival of Sukkot.

Our early founders derived many of their best concepts from a Judeo-Christian perspective. Since May 14, 1948, when the modern Jewish state declared its independence, our alliance has combined into massive blessings for both nations.

As citizens of the United States, we have endless reasons to thank God for our freedoms, family, and friends at our Thanksgiving tables. For Israeli families, weekly Shabbats (a day of rest) are like Thanksgiving each week! Despite their current seven-front war, Israelis have proven the observation of an early 20th-century Zionist, Ahad Haam: “More than the Jews kept Shabbat, Shabbat has kept the Jews.” Rabbi Abraham Heschel described Shabbat as a “palace in time.”

The array of mutual blessings for our two nations is wide-ranging. I have chosen a few, to celebrate our mutual ideals of freedom, economic prosperity, equality, rule of law, and security. With Israel described as the start-up and genius nation, Jews—with a small population, living in their small strip of land—have made profound contributions to our world. First and foremost, it is not surprising when we recall God designating Abraham as the first Jew. He then fashioned the Jewish culture and tasked His chosen vessels in ancient times to reveal the Old and New Testaments in a 66-book Bible that has transformed the world with truth.

In exploring the modern contributions of the start-up, genius nation, I begin with two of my favorites. I witnessed these Israeli inventions at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) policy conferences during my nine years on AIPAC staff. Thousands of us watched as a paraplegic walked onto the stage in a “ReWalk,” a robotic exoskeleton. Moments of astonishment and an extended applause filled the Washington Convention Center. Available to the public since 2014, ReWalk uses a wrist-mounted remote control to give movement signals from a backpack of batteries, enabling its user to stand, walk, and take stairs—rather than sitting in a wheelchair. 

Creating water out of air? We gasped as we watched an amazing demonstration at another policy conference inside the Washington Convention Center. Someone held a glass up to the WaterGen machine and pushed a button. We watched the glass fill, then the product demonstrator drank the high-quality water extracted from the air. Now in 65 countries and backed by a 24/7 tech support team, WaterGen invites you to “Enjoy a Sip of Fresh Air.”

Thank Israel for the Flexible Stent. You or a loved one may have benefited! It has saved millions of lives. Physicians use the tube-shaped device to open arteries up to treat coronary heart disease and blockages. Its use can significantly reduce the need for open-heart surgery.

Technology we rely on to protect mobile phones and computers is a security invention through Israel’s cornerstone firewall, Check Point—the original protection from cyber threats across the digital world. From pioneering firewalls to our AI-powered, cloud-delivered security solutions, they are committed to safeguarding organizations with an industry-leading 99.8% prevention rate.

Israelis invented another important water-related technology in 1967: Netafim’s drip irrigation, using pipes that drip water onto crops, thereby reducing water usage. This boon to crops is now used in 110 countries, including the USA, where it helps farmers “Grow More With Less”!

In TIME magazine’s 2024 best products, 10 of Israel’s products are included. Here are a few: Nuvo’s wearable Invu remote pregnancy monitor performs non-stress tests on babies before birth. OrCam Hear is an upcoming AI-powered hearing amplification tool for those needing focused hearing help. BeeHero, a beehive management system. InnerPlant’s CropVoice, where plants inform farmers about funguses. NanoxAI helps identify undetected chronic conditions by analyzing CT heart scans of the heart, liver, and bones.

Looking at some sectors of our valuable partnership with the Jewish state, Israel invests in our economy, creates American jobs, and promotes our innovation. Their partnership supports more than 255,000 American jobs. Likewise, the U.S. is the largest foreign investor in Israel, a business hub for more than 2,500 U.S. companies. Our free trade agreement with them since 1985 has provided billions of dollars for Israelis and Americans.

Our two nations are pioneering together in future challenges in cybersecurity, healthcare, artificial intelligence, water scarcity, food security, climate change, and renewable energy. When you board a flight or use your computers, be aware that Israeli technology and expertise help protect American airports, cities, cyberspace, and other infrastructure from terrorist threats.

Israel can be described as our “aircraft carrier” in the Middle East. Israel is our eyes and ears in the region. With its military strength, location, and our shared intelligence cooperation, it helps our homeland security and American soldiers. Our annual congressional approval of security investments in Israel directly increases our security and safety here at home. Unlike other U.S. allies, Israel insists on defending itself by itself. They rely on our help only to guarantee Israel’s added ability to defend itself with U.S. funding, most which is spent here in America. 

Christian advocacy for Israel in the United States makes a huge difference in influencing congressional appropriations for Israel’s security. Those decisions in turn increase our security. Our partnership also protects our American troops with military technology, helping us to counter missiles, tunnels, and drones. Israel is also a leader in helping soldiers from both nations cope with PTSD—a much-needed service.

At your Thanksgiving table today and in the future, you may place a prayer in the Western Wall (Kotel) for Israel and its people especially during war., which overlooks the Western Wall Plaza, will print your prayers. The AISH staff gathers all the prayers, takes the short walk to the Kotel, and places them in the crevices: [Submit your prayer here].

Our CBN Israel team wishes our readers and supporters a most blessed Thanksgiving 2024! Together let us recite Psalm 107:1, “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.

Prayer Points:

  • Pray for the ongoing emotional traumas suffered by Israelis.
  • Pray for upwards of 6,000 wounded IDF soldiers.
  • Pray with thanks for senior medical officers stationed with each company.
  • Pray for the 101 hostages still captive in Gaza and their heartbroken families.
  • Pray with thanks for our longstanding friendship with Israel.
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Delivering Hot Meals to Those in Need

Most people take for granted being able to grocery shop and cook their own meals at home. But some people in Israel must rely on others for a prepared meal due to their circumstances.

They may be elderly or disabled, living in shelters or institutions, or displaced by the war. Many are impoverished and barely able to provide for themselves. And the nonprofit organizations that care for them often have their resources stretched thin by the escalating needs.

At the same time, 35 percent of all food produced in Israel ends up in landfills and not consumed. That amounts to 2.2 billion pounds of nutritious food wasted each year and adds to environmental waste disposal issues. So, is there a good way to solve both problems at once?

Thankfully, friends like you are part of a  smart, sustainable solution. Through CBN Israel’s partnership with the country’s largest food banks, you are rescuing surplus prepared food from hotels, corporate cafeterias, and IDF bases—and redistributing it to vulnerable groups served by soup kitchens, senior centers, women’s shelters, and schools for at-risk youth.

All meals are collected using refrigerated vans on 17 routes throughout Israel. The meals are either delivered directly to a nonprofit partner—or cold-stored overnight at a distribution hub and delivered to the partner agency for immediate consumption the next day.

With regular communication between suppliers and nonprofit partners, food safety is maintained from the time of collection until delivery. And thanks to caring donors, recipients who are at-risk or displaced are on track to receive 2.4 million healthy meals throughout the year.

This is just one example of how your gifts to CBN Israel can extend a lifeline to so many in crisis. You can also offer groceries, safe housing, and essentials to aging Holocaust survivors, single moms, and terror victims.

Please join us in being a blessing to those in need this holiday season!


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Weekly Devotional: The God Who Redeems All Israel

“O Israel, hope in the Lord; for with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him is abundant redemption. And He shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities” (Psalm 130:7-8 NKJV).

Within the Bible, the “we” is more important than the “me.” This is a key difference between our Western spirituality today and that of the Bible.

Our focus centers on God and me: what God has done and can do for me, and my relationship with God. Yet in the Bible, an individual encounters—and experiences—God within the community. His redemption is tied to God’s redemption of His people.

The psalmist cried from the depths (Psalm 130:1-2). He pleaded with the Lord to listen to His cries. We do the same. We cry out to God from the depths of our despair. Our focus, even in our cries to God, often stop with us.

Yet, after the psalmist pleaded with God to listen, in verse 3 he began to focus on the community. “If You, O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand?” He did not see himself as isolated in his encounter with God. Rather, he was part of a larger community of faith. Our focus on ourselves within our faith journey creates a spiritual narcissism that was absent from the biblical world.

The psalmist described his posture of waiting for the Lord and compared it to the night watchmen on the walls of a city waiting for the dawn. Then, like the night watchmen, he becomes a herald to the city: “O Israel, hope in the Lord!” As he has hoped in the Lord and His coming, he now calls upon Israel to hope in the Lord, to recognize His steadfast love.

God’s love was not just for the psalmist; that love extended to all Israel. His power to redeem was not merely to lift the psalmist out of his despair, but to redeem Israel.

In fact, the psalmist’s redemption came by his participation in Israel’s redemption. God does not lift him out of the depths, yet when God redeems Israel, the psalmist too will receive redemption. Not only does God redeem Israel, but He redeems Israel from its iniquities.

This returns the reader back to what the psalmist said in verses 3-4, “If You, Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with You, so that You may be feared.” The God of Israel, the God who redeems Israel from its iniquities, is the God of steadfast love, who is to be feared.

Too often, our spiritual individualism leads us into a myopia of what God has done and will do for me. We do not express our spirituality through the lens of the community of faith. We may attend church and worship with others, but even in these settings, we are still individuals.

The psalmist found his redemption within God’s redemption of his people. This is where he found the confirmation of God’s love and forgiveness—within the community.


Lord, Your steadfast love is for us, the community of believers. You redeem us; help us to find You within those around us. Amen.

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New Twists on Boycotts Against Israel: Are Mary and Joseph in Danger?

By Arlene Bridges Samuels

On December 6, Netflix is releasing its Christmas movie called Mary. The title character is played by 21-year-old Noa Cohen, with 22-year-old Ido Tako as Joseph. Legendary actor Anthony Hopkins in the role of Herod is sure to weave a star-powered combination in the trio. However, BDS and anti-Israel groups are outraged! Why? The actors portraying Mary and Joseph are Israeli Jews—not Palestinians.

When Palestinians instigated boycotts in 1995, they assumed Israel would breathe its last if strangled with economic warfare, terror, and propaganda. Clearly, they were mistaken. BDS—Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions—targets Israel, the world’s only Jewish nation. Now, BDS is manifesting further madness about the film, Mary.

Bottom line: BDS adherents aim at erasing the Jewishness of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus—our Jewish Messiah—born in the fields of Bethlehem Ephrathah near the Tower of the Flock (Migdal Eder). In a fascinating side note, some research suggests that King David and Jesus, the Perfect Lamb, were born in or near Migdal Eder (Micah 5:2), where Levitical shepherds raised and oversaw the births of Passover lambs.

Trying to erase 2,000 years of world history, BDS is aimed not only at Jews but also levels its slander into the minds of 2 billion Christians. Unfortunately, some Christians have swallowed these lies as if they were truth. Satan has resurrected Hitleresque propaganda by invading the world through social media warfare and savagery.

Frankly, I do not know if the film Mary will please the Christian community with regard to its portrayal of Jesus’ mother. I have not previewed it. But I respect Director D.J. Caruso’s comments in October’s Entertainment Weekly. “It was important to us that Mary, along with most of our primary cast, be selected from Israel to ensure authenticity.” Filmed in Morocco, Caruso added that the film’s writing and production were done with “great care” to create “a story that feels both sacred and modern.”

For decades the Palestinian Authority, as well as pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel activists, have called the Holy Family “Palestinians.” Author and theologian Eitan Bar writes about those who claim, “Jesus was a ‘Palestinian freedom fighter,’ suggesting Jesus led a revolt against—you guessed it—the Jews!”

Bar adds that some Muslims and radical liberal Christians have adopted the Palestinian freedom fighter narrative in trying to justify violence against Jews. It is a fairly recent construct, dating back to 2018, when a university campaign in the U.S. claimed that Jesus was Palestinian. If you wish to go deeper into this controversy, click here.

The movie denigrators represent millions of people in both Muslim and non-Muslim communities who have adopted violence as a tool, recently evidenced by Muslim gangs launching a vicious attack against Israeli fans attending soccer games in Amsterdam and Paris.

Some social media agitators are “offended” by Israeli actors portraying Jewish Mary and Joseph. Here’s an example of such comments: “A film [about] a Palestinian woman played by actors from the settler state [Israel’s biblical heartland] that is currently mass slaughtering Palestinian women. Oh, the disgusting audacity.”

Proponents of BDS are taking the word of Hamas and its evildoers and treating them like heroes. Those with minds persuaded by lies are calling for a boycott against the film Mary, which is not only offensive to Christians but also denigrating to the Jewish people seeing that Mary, Joseph, and their children were all Jewish, historical figures who lived in biblical Judea.

Nevertheless, despite the October 7 genocide and escalating dangers globally, Israelis remain dedicated and determined to win their defensive war of justice. Unsurprisingly, Israel Defense Forces are finding Arabic translations of Hitler’s handbook Mein Kampf in the tunnels under Gaza. When an IDF unit in Lebanon found a copy of Mein Kampf in a living room, one soldier observed that “parts were underlined and highlighted inside, as if someone had studied it line by line.” In fact, Hamas, Hezbollah, and the degenerate gangs funded by the Islamic Regime imitate Hitler’s strategies that led to the genocide of 6 million Jews.

Sadly, in the U.S. and beyond, BDS includes churches, labor unions, universities, and grassroots groups that BDS recruits internationally to inflict financial and propagandic havoc on Israel. In fact, just a scant few days after October 7, 2023, a hateful global intifada exploded among university students—and professors—sitting in prominent campus locations.

These groups now mourn the mounting deaths of Hezbollah leaders instead of October 7 victims and hostages, among them seven Americans. At Columbia University, the mindless shouts of “We are Hamas” and “Hamas make us proud” fill the air. Thirty-six percent of protestors deem violence as acceptable.

No matter what is happening in our personal lives and the Jewish world, Zephaniah 3:17 assures us that “The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior Who saves. He will take great delight in you … but will rejoice over you with singing.” 

I daresay that one of the biggest crises in our world today is that too many are boycotting the Judeo-Christian faiths and the Bible—both the Old Testament, which clearly prophesied our coming Jewish Messiah, and His fulfillment in New Testament.

The world may use its evil energy to devise every boycott, divestment, and sanction it can against the God of the Universe, yet He is the everlasting King.

Our CBN Israel team welcomes you to pray with us for Israelis and the 15.8 million Jewish people globally.

Prayer Points:

  • Pray for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s safety from incoming drone attacks against his private home.
  • Pray for the IDF’s great successes to defeat Hezbollah.
  • Pray for IDF families with increasing IDF deaths in Gaza and Lebanon.
  • Pray for Christians to repost truthful social media.
  • Pray thanking God from Deuteronomy 7:6,The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be His people, His treasured possession.”

Arlene Bridges Samuels is the weekly feature columnist for CBN Israel since 2020. Working on the staff of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) as their SE Regional Outreach Director for nine years, International Christian Embassy Jerusalem USA engaged her as the Leadership Outreach Director part-time for their project American Christian Leaders for Israel. Arlene is an author at The Blogs-Times of Israel, is published at and The Jerusalem Connection, and has traveled to Israel since 1990. By invitation, she attends Israel’s Government Press Office Christian Media Summits as part of Christian media worldwide. In 2024, Arlene and her husband Paul co-authored Mental Health Meltdown: Illuminating the Voices of Bipolar and Other Mental Illnesses.

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