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A Long Line of Caskets Holding Israeli Druze Children: The Islamic Regime is Guilty

By Arlene Bridges Samuels

On July 27—just days ago—a Hezbollah missile crashed into a soccer field in Majdal Shams, a peaceful Druze village in northern Israel. Yet, soon after murdering 12 Druze children and teens, with injuries to many more, Hezbollah terrorists claimed that they were not the culprits.

The next morning, 10 of the children’s caskets, carried on the shoulders of shocked pallbearers at the mass funeral, began the procession in a long line toward their burial places. Forensic evidence has proven that the 110-pound missile was indeed an Iranian-made Falaq-1 weapon, launched from southern Lebanon onto innocent children at soccer practice. The community of Majdal Shams is a scant four miles from the Lebanese border in the Golan Heights.

Hezbollah has occupied southern Lebanon since the 1980s, developing into Iran’s most powerful proxy. It is now a state within a state, the Islamic Regime on the ground—and right next to Israel. Hezbollah stores tons of its weapons in Lebanon, including at Beirut’s international airport and in nearby warehouses. Make no mistake: The Islamic Regime is the savage sponsor for its surrogates in the Middle East.

The Regime once again exhibited its evil toward innocent children as it did on October 7, 2023—this time through Hezbollah. The anguished Druze community is asking a question that must be answered, “Why is Beirut still standing?” Without doubt, this query applies to Hezbollah’s massive weapons depot, since the IDF does not target innocent civilians.

The Druze are a minority in Israel, composed of around 150,000 people, and many choose to become Israeli citizens. They valiantly serve in the Israel Defense Forces, often in senior positions. Ten Druze officers have perished thus far fighting the war against Hamas. Israeli Druze are a close-knit community and loyal to Israel. Approximately 1 million other Druze live in Syria and Lebanon.

As a unique religious and ethnic group, Druze mostly broke away from Islam a thousand years ago and created their mysterious, monotheistic religion combining elements of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Greek philosophy. They revere Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, as their prophet, and every April they honor Jethro with a three-day Druze festival in Tiberius. Ninety-nine percent of Israeli Druze said they believe in God. Druze do not allow converts or demand their own state, and they speak both Arabic and Hebrew. Israeli Druze citizens in the IDF refer to the Jewish-Druze partnership as “a covenant of blood” in recognition of the military yoke carried by both groups for the security of Israel. Many Druze serve in elite IDF units.

Any Christian who has visited a Druze community has memories of their warm hospitality, and I am among them. The massacre in Majdal Shams hit me hard. In 2019, I attended Israel’s Christian Media Summit, organized by that nation’s Government Press Office. A Jewish friend organized a day trip to Majdal Shams for a group of us Christian media prior to the summit. The Druze community treated us like royalty. Their hospitality overflowed, providing a meal of delicious food and holding a soccer game in our honor. The same soccer field where the children were murdered and injured, a green field now red with the blood of children in view of Israel’s lush Golan Heights.

Our hosts presented us with a special bronze medallion. Embossed on the front and back in English and Arabic, it pictured Druze, American, and Israeli flags tied with a blue-and-white ribboned lanyard symbolizing Israel’s flag colors. One of our hosts was Mendi Safadi, head of the Safadi Center for International Diplomacy, Research, Human Rights and Public Relations, who greeted us warmly. I have stayed in touch with Mendi, and he sent me his first-hand perspective on the massacre. Mendi was born and grew up in Majdal Shams and is raising his family there. He commented with relief that his children were spared because they were late to soccer practice on that fateful day, and while they “are OK,” Mendi “hurts with his community every moment.”

He describes the scene of the massacre as “still bloody, and the remains of body parts are still being collected, but the facts do not prevent the series of lies from flooding the Arab media.” He goes on to say that the Iranian Falaq-1 missile contained “over 50 kilos of explosives.” We cannot comprehend the pain of collecting the body parts of our children. He calls October 7 and July 27 the Jewish and Druze “Black Sabbaths,” stating that “We cry out, ‘NO MORE!’” Mendi advises, “Israel must wisely ignore the external pressures that have no compassion for the blood that is spilled.” He remarks, “Today more than ever my thesis proves its correctness that it is impossible to fight terrorism with democratic tools.”

About the terrorist organizations, Mendi has no complaints against them because he doesn’t “expect anything [different] from them.” Rather, he says, “I have complaints against the enlightened and democratic world that has been running around for more than nine months to tie Israel’s hands and prevent it from protecting its citizens. I have complaints against the president of the United States who thwarts our efforts to destroy terrorism for electoral reasons. If the West has not yet realized that they are next in line if Israel falls, there is nothing left to expect.”

In addition, he observes, “As the pressure on Israel increases, the possibility of freeing the captives recedes; as the West adds humanitarian aid, more children are killed; as more surrender to terrorism, negotiate with it and meet its demands, October 7 may return.”

While Mendi mentions the Arab media, look at some of the other headlines that degrade the murders of Israeli Druze children: A BBC headline read, “Ten Dead in Rocket Attack on Israeli-Occupied Golan.” The Washington Post emphasized this headline: “Israel Hits Targets in Lebanon.” No emphasis on the Islamic Regime or its proxy Hezbollah as the murderers they are. Israel does not “occupy the western two-thirds of the Golan Heights” as some have falsely claimed. This region rightfully belongs to Israel.

After his immediate notification about the massacre, Benjamin Netanyahu returned early from his trip to the United States, flying back on Wing of Zion, Israel’s version of Air Force One. When he landed, he went directly to meet with his security cabinet where they finalized their military decisions, and then he visited Majdal Shams.

Speaking with the deeply devastated community, Israel’s Prime Minister declared, “Our response will come, and it will be harsh.” He observed, “We are brothers. We have an alliance in life, and unfortunately also an alliance in times of bereavement and agony. … Israel will continue to stand with you.”

Mendi Safadi’s conclusion rings true: “Israel has no way of regaining its military superiority that would deter its enemies, without proving it in a powerful and overwhelming war against Iran’s central arm [Hezbollah] in the region.”

With war on every front, plus the mainstream media’s propaganda war against Israel, we continue to pray for Israel and her citizens. We rely upon God as described in Psalm 46:7—“Here He comes! The Commander! The mighty LORD of Angel Armies is on our side! The God of Jacob fights for us!”

Prayer Points:

  • Pray for Druze in Israel as they face the horrors of terror that has befallen their youth—and especially for the families of the 16 Druze children who remain hospitalized.
  • Pray for Israel’s leaders to make the hard decisions needed to defeat the new Hitlers.
  • Pray for an increase in humanitarian aid and trauma teams already in motion to help.
  • Pray for people of good will to stand up and speak out the facts about our greatest ally, Israel.

Arlene Bridges Samuels pioneered Christian outreach for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). After she served nine years on AIPAC’s staff, International Christian Embassy Jerusalem USA engaged her as Outreach Director part-time for their project, American Christian Leaders for Israel. Arlene is an author at The Blogs-Times of Israel and has traveled to Israel since 1990. She co-edited The Auschwitz Album Revisited and is on the board of Violins of Hope South Carolina. By invitation, Arlene attends Israel’s Government Press Office Christian Media Summits. She also hosts her devotionals, The Eclectic Evangelical, on her website at ArleneBridgesSamuels.com.

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Victim of Terrorism: Alina’s Story

Alina’s family was always prepared to deal with missile attacks, living in Ashkelon near the Gaza border. But when terrorists invaded their streets, they were all evacuated right away. 

Alina said, “It’s scary, and I still have nightmares because of everything we’ve seen. Inside, I’m shaking—but I have to show my kids that everything is okay to put them at ease.”

When their community was still under fire from Hamas, Alina said, “I’m not ready to go home. Being cooped up in an apartment is psychologically difficult on the kids. They are afraid.” Yet, residing day after day in temporary housing was not easy—even though it was a safe refuge.

For Alina and her husband, there were also financial concerns. She says, “I work at a kindergarten, and I didn’t make any money this month. My husband is also working part-time. We’re trying to be very frugal right now, even though the kids keep asking for things.” 

So how could they survive? Fortunately, caring donors came to their rescue. Through CBN Israel, they provided lodging, meals, supplies, counseling—and hope, during this difficult time. Alina shares, “It’s been such a blessing. We can eat here, and not have to worry about spending money we don’t have. We are so thankful. It’s been like a breath of fresh air. God bless you!”

Your gifts to CBN Israel can bless so many in the Holy Land who worry about survival—by delivering food, emergency aid and ongoing assistance. The war has taken a huge toll across that nation. Your support is crucial in bringing vital help to terror victims, Holocaust survivors, single moms, and more.

Please be a part of this important outreach to Israel’s people!


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Why Stand with Israel: The Time is Right!

By Arlene Bridges Samuels

Almost nine years ago, U.S. filmmaker Brian Sanders engaged in a life-changing conversation in Israel while talking theology with a Christian friend. As they walked through the Old City of Jerusalem, his friend took the time to articulate God’s unbreakable covenant promises to Israel and the Jews in the Old Testament. The friend explained that Brian might have a replacement theology outlook, a centuries-old departure from God’s eternal promises to the Jews, which claims that the church replaced the Jews because they rejected Jesus. Another way to say that: the church is the new Israel. Grateful to grow up in a loving home, Brian was raised Catholic and attended church but did not know Jesus in a personal way until his early 20s.

Standing on the Western Wall Plaza and listening to his friend’s kind yet significant conversation, Brian and his companion then continued their walk. It was at this moment that the Apostle Paul’s words in Romans 11 came alive for Brian—that Gentiles share the promises of God alongside Israel, but not as Israel or instead of Israel. Months later, a significant teaching from a Colorado Springs pastor also stirred him with another term—grafted in—by explaining the olive tree metaphor. It grew into Brian’s mind and heart, as a deeply planted recognition of the Jewish tree roots, and that Gentiles are the wild olive branches grafted into the tree. We are adopted upon our profession of faith in Jesus, Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah. Today, Brian views it as a missing link in his faith by grasping the full redemption story.

From those biblical concepts, Brian was compelled to take his new understandings to Christians and churches that, like him, often misunderstood God’s clear, eternal covenants with Israel and His chosen people in the Old and New Testaments. And of utmost importance, that God made a magnificent provision for Gentiles as the grafted-in wild branches. Genesis 17 repeatedly codifies God’s everlasting covenant with Abraham throughout all generations.

Before learning more about Brian’s persistent personal journey, let’s pause for a moment to highlight Why Stand with Israel. The breathtaking new film is replete with on-the-ground and aerial sights of Israel itself. The film’s visual beauty provides a satisfying context for the articulate array of expert voices gathered into one factual presentation. When Brian began praying and planning with ideas for the film in 2015, he was compelled by a God-mandated vision into the finished product available today.

The film was released internationally on May 14, 2024—Israel’s modern 76th birthday—through the website: www.whystandwithisrael.com. Then on May 28, at the Friends of Zion Museum in Jerusalem, Brian shared the film on the first day of the annual Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast. Since the Jerusalem premiere, Brian has been speaking and traveling with a motivational and educational message. “For such a time as this, the church cannot remain silent like it was before and during the Holocaust!” He recaps Bible facts, saying, “Believers are called the bride of Christ, but we must be standing with God’s first betrothed bride—Israel and the Jewish people!” The filmmaker goes on to say, “Now more than ever, we need to be standing with the apple of God’s eye—Jesus’ Jewish family and birthplace!” 

Over the years, Brian often asked the Lord, “Is this the year the film will be ready?” Each time the answer came, “Do you trust Me?” And “God reminded me in 1 Samuel 15:22, ‘obedience is better than sacrifice.’” Now he more fully understands that God’s timing is the remarkably perfect timing for Why Stand With Israel. This moment, this opportunity, cannot be wasted. The film’s mandate takes place amid tumultuous world events unfolding sometimes every hour. An assassination attempt on former President Trump, President Biden withdrawing from the race, Israel’s multi-front defensive war against the Islamic Regime and its surrogates, a Yemeni drone attacking Tel Aviv, the Israeli Air Force bombing Yemen’s port and oil fields, a global server crash, and the U.S. executive branch in disarray. Believers across the world must see, learn, and share. Brian emphasizes, “It is our biblical responsibility because it is God’s heart, His unconditional love on display.”

In my interview with Brian, learning about the beginning of his pilgrimage—after he came to understand the errors of replacement theology and the grafted in gift to believing Gentiles—I noticed his humility. He confessed that first, in an act of repentance, he realized that “a thread of anti-Semitism” had run through his life amid offhanded, casual, and sarcastic comments. Growing up in New Jersey and often going in and out of New York, his attitude was not hateful. It was an important missing piece of truly understanding Israel as the birthplace of our Christian faith.

Christians often forget that Jesus was born into the Jewish community, the disciples were Jewish, and the Apostle Paul was Jewish. Thousands of Jews believed in Jesus as Messiah during His earthly ministry and multiplied after His Ascension. For years, the first “churches” were synagogues and home groups. For centuries thereafter, little mention of Jesus’ Jewishness, Jews, or Judaism occurred, and the phrase “the Jews killed Jesus” shaped Christian thought. 

Brian set out to change such mindsets by elevating biblical education through film. He knew that he himself had let go of wrong theology and wanted to remind the church that “Christ” is not Jesus’ last name since He was fully Jewish, the Anointed One. That Jesus was a Savior who was not a Christian but a Jew and read only from Old Testament parchments that He Himself fulfilled in the later New Testament writing.

At the beginning of his journey to educate Christians, Brian identified with Gideon’s story in the book of Judges. When God tapped Gideon to lead the war against the Midianites, he did not feel equipped. When Brian began moving forward to educate the church, he questioned the Lord, saying, “I’m not an expert on this biblically. I’m green. Please be my teacher.” The film then became his primary focus and fit in perfectly with his decades-long background as a TV producer, senior videographer, and editor and included The Christian Broadcasting Network. 

Brian did not have another “salvation experience” and described himself as being new and hungry to know more. When the Lord dropped the vision for a film into his heart in 2015, he clarified, “It was a gift, but more than a gift. I looked at it as a mandate.”

He notes, “We’re not here to condemn. We are here to present biblical facts.” Yet, we must remember Brian’s reminder, “The church cannot remain silent like it was during the Holocaust!”

Since its international release, Why Stand With Israel has received seven awards and the future looks bright. The film’s contents help us better grasp the complicated challenges Israel and the Jews face. We must instead focus on God’s permanent promises in Scripture, understanding that God has not replaced His Jewish people with the Gentile church.

Friends, it is time for the Christian community to take proactive postures by viewing and promoting Why Stand With Israel—not in arguments but in civil conversations with others, and also in our churches. Our prayers must match our actions.

Our CBN Israel team welcomes you to pray with us this week in the context of Genesis 17:7, 13, and 19, where God codifies His words three times in “everlasting covenant” with Abraham and his descendants throughout all their generations. 

Prayer Points:

  • Pray for Christians globally to view, learn, and share Why Stand With Israel.
  • Pray for increased, supportive actions by believers as Israel’s dangers grow.
  • Pray for the IDF’s safety amid terrorists’ more sophisticated weaponry. 
  • Pray for the lessening of traumas that are affecting every Israeli.

Arlene Bridges Samuels pioneered Christian outreach for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). After she served nine years on AIPAC’s staff, International Christian Embassy Jerusalem USA engaged her as Outreach Director part-time for their project, American Christian Leaders for Israel. Arlene is an author at The Blogs-Times of Israel and has traveled to Israel since 1990. She co-edited The Auschwitz Album Revisited and is on the board of Violins of Hope South Carolina. By invitation, Arlene attends Israel’s Government Press Office Christian Media Summits. She also hosts her devotionals, The Eclectic Evangelical, on her website at ArleneBridgesSamuels.com.

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Holocaust Survivor: Mila’s Story

When World War II started, Mila was only 6 years old. She remembered her father leaving for the army, and evacuating with her mother and siblings to survive, saying, “There were bombs exploding all around. God spared us.”

Mila eventually married, and since she and her family were Jewish, they immigrated to Israel. Over the years, she made a life for herself there, but it became more challenging when her husband passed away. She says, “My budget is very limited—I cook very simple food.”

After years of financial struggles and loneliness, Mila was emergency rushed one night to the hospital with very high blood pressure. She says, “I felt very ill, and thought I was going to die.” Insurance did not cover all her expenses, and she said, “I owed a lot of money. The bill was very high. And I have to take expensive medicine.” Where could she turn for help?

Thankfully, friends like you were there for her. Through CBN Israel, caring donors paid Mila’s costs for the ambulance, hospital, and medicine that her insurance didn’t cover—plus, they got her a new blood pressure monitor. And they brought her bags of groceries, and invited her to join other seniors to socialize and eat healthy at a center supported by CBN Israel. This precious Holocaust survivor exclaimed in tears, “I feel honored by your kindness… May God bless you!”

Your gifts to CBN Israel can help so many elderly, single moms, terror victims, Holocaust survivors, and others struggling to survive. With thousands of lives in crisis since the war, your support is crucial in bringing food, housing, and emergency aid to Israelis in need.

Please join us in blessing others in need!


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Is the Islamic Regime Active in the United States?

By Arlene Bridges Samuels

The Islamic Regime’s savagery against Israel comes in many forms—all right out in the open. Israel, in Iran’s crosshairs in the Middle East, is defending its land on the ground, in the air, and at sea against Iran’s proxies—who are literally a stone’s throw away. In the United States, Iran’s chaos manifests in another way: disguising itself in a covert cloak of social media, using online bots armed with repetitive software in fake accounts to stir up protestors on university campuses across the country.

Demonstrators who buy the lies not only become Hamas supporters, they aid the largest terror-sponsoring country in the world, Iran. The United States is a major target for these radical Islamic terror groups. The bots take the place of humans, but the apocalyptic Islamic imams control these messages of hate. Also using Artificial Intelligence (AI), Iran counterfeits reality with the goal of sowing hatred between everyone in America.

The assassination attempt on July 13 targeting former President Trump is a shocking example of conflict in our nation. Not that the failed assassin was directly prompted by Iranian disinformation, but no one questions the weaponization of words filling conversations and airwaves. Although millions witnessed a true miracle in real time when God saved Trump’s life, it is not wise to dismiss any future attempts against the Republican candidate for president.

A combination of quieting the weaponized words and focusing on policy, plus increasing security for viable candidates, is a necessity. Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu weighed in with his valuable perspective: “This wasn’t just an attack on Donald Trump. … It was an attack on democracy.”

At a time like this, memorizing Proverbs 18:21 is a helpful antidote: “The tongue has the power of life and death.”

Last week Avril Haines, U.S. Director of National Intelligence, reported that Iran is hard-hitting “in their foreign influence efforts, seeking to stoke discord and undermine confidence in our democratic institutions.” Haines also mentioned Iran’s financial support for some protest groups.

Surely weaponized words create a hostile atmosphere. Even so, our southern border is another Islamic strategy. A few statistics paint an alarming canvas of dangerous possibilities.

Steve McCraw, director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, reported that 151 people on the terrorism watch list have been apprehended at the southwest border since 2021. In a thumbnail statistic for the month of October 2023 alone, Border Patrol caught four Iranians. Two were on a security threat watch list.

Expanded information about what are called “special interest countries” shows that more than 10,000 illegals from Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, and Syria were arrested at the border between October 2021 and October 2023, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Among the illegals, 659 were Iranian. It is well-nigh impossible to know exactly how many Iranians or others are bent on destruction in our country. Given the lack of freedoms in Iran, though, it is easy to conclude that many of its citizens are simply escaping the Islamic Regime’s harsh rule.

Here is the other special interest countries’ breakdown between October 2021 and October 2023: Border agents encountered 6,386 nationals from Afghanistan, 3,153 from Egypt, and 538 from Syria. However, when adequately armed with one of Iran’s most-used weapons—Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), which can be made right here in the U.S.—one Iranian terrorist with a single IED can cause mayhem and murder on our soil. The Islamic Regime, which is weaponizing the biblical heartland in Judea and Samaria among Palestinian terrorists, is already murdering Israeli soldiers with IEDs. One more piece of data since 2021 shows that more than 1.5 million “gotaways” have managed to avoid our overwhelmed border agents forced to operate under ineffective orders from the Biden administration. Were Iranian or other terrorists among them? Where are they now?

Diverging somewhat from Iran’s use of our southern border and their bot battle against the United States, the Israel Defense Forces’ cloud-computing network reports an alarming and astonishing figure. Since the Hamas War began on October 7, the IDF’s network has received over 3 billion cyberattacks! Also astonishing is that Israel intercepted all the attacks—resulting in no damage. Many of the attacks were focused on IDF troops fighting on the ground. Civilian computer systems were hacked, including the Israel State Archives that were attacked in November. Thankfully, as of June, they were finally back online.

Gaby Portnoy, Israel’s cyber defense czar, issued a warning that the nature of cyber attacks by Iran has been more aggressive, not just against Israel, but also against its own allies. Portnoy went on to say at Cyber Week 2024 (Tel Aviv University’s annual conference): “That makes Iranian cyber aggression an international problem, not only an Israeli one, and therefore the solution needs to be international.”

Portnoy adds, “We see the Imperial Kitten work [Imperial Kitten is an Iranian hacker group], operated by the IRGC [Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps], both in Israel and the U.S., where four activists and four straw companies were sanctioned for operating against federal facilities.” The cyber defense chief highlighted the fact that Iran is violating international privacy laws and conventions, “causing worldwide damage to innocent civilians.” Once again, it is plain to see how the Islamic Regime is multi-layered as the largest terror- sponsoring country in the world.

Our CBN Israel team invites you to pray with us using the anthem America the Beautiful as our prayer: “America! America! God shed His grace on thee, and crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea!”

Prayer Points:

  • Pray with praises and thanks for God’s modern miracle to save Donald Trump’s life.
  • Pray for protesters who are often ignorant about the true nature and genocidal hatred behind Hamas, Hezbollah, and their sponsor, Iran.
  • Pray for all cyber security staff in Israel and the U.S. to maintain online vigilance.
  • Pray for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the IDF to make wise decisions to enact victory against evil.

Arlene Bridges Samuels pioneered Christian outreach for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). After she served nine years on AIPAC’s staff, International Christian Embassy Jerusalem USA engaged her as Outreach Director part-time for their project, American Christian Leaders for Israel. Arlene is an author at The Blogs-Times of Israel and has traveled to Israel since 1990. She co-edited The Auschwitz Album Revisited and is on the board of Violins of Hope South Carolina. By invitation, Arlene attends Israel’s Government Press Office Christian Media Summits. She also hosts her devotionals, The Eclectic Evangelical, on her website at ArleneBridgesSamuels.com.

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Providing Emergency Food and Supply Boxes for Northern Israel

Life in northern Israel just got harder. As tensions rise, attacks from Hezbollah are escalating on the nation’s northern border with Lebanon. And the threat of an all-out war looms large.

Hezbollah has already fired over 5,000 missiles and drones from Lebanon into Israel. This Iranian-backed terror group is well-armed, with an estimated 150,000 rockets, drones, and other weapons that can be launched from land or sea—and target any point in Israel.

With that stark reality in mind, Israelis face the prospect of spending the summer in bomb shelters for weeks—possibly months. As a result, both the military and civilians have increased preparations. Israel’s food industry is stocking warehouses, and gearing up supermarket chains to be open 24/7 during emergencies.

But if rockets batter the north, and people can’t leave their bomb shelters to replenish food and necessities, how will they survive?

Thanks to friends like you, CBN Israel has partnered with the country’s largest distribution center and created an emergency preparedness box, with critical supplies needed in a bomb shelter. The box contains “combat rations,” with enough canned goods to last a few days. Plus, it includes electrical chargers, a transistor radio, batteries, and items for children and babies.

And CBN Israel staffers helped pack these and other crucial essentials, while increasing support for tackling food insecurity. Donor gifts have provided thousands of food packages to those in need in just the first months after October 7.

Your support can deliver meals, lodging, and essential aid to thousands whose lives have been devastated by the war. In addition, you can bring ongoing help to immigrants, Holocaust survivors, single moms, and others who are vulnerable.

Please help us reach out to Israel’s people with God’s love at this crucial time!


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Palestinian Arabs: Turning the Biblical Heartland into a Hotbed of Hatred

By Arlene Bridges Samuels

A special box of beautiful and useful Israeli-made products arrives at our front door several times a year. Ordering merchandise made in Judea and Samaria is one way to support Israelis, especially now during the war being carried out by the Islamic Regime. Our box was shipped from Lev Haolam, a subscription gift box service operating in the Judean hills south of Jerusalem. The company bears a profound Hebrew name. In English it means heart of the world (Lev, heart and haolam, the world).

A few years ago, when I visited Shiloh in the Judean Hills of Samaria, a sense of awe filled my every step. This was the Tabernacle’s resting place for 369 years, built before the First Temple. Eli, Hanna, and Samuel walked in Shiloh, which is biblically described as Israel’s first capital. Shiloh’s Hebrew name means “tranquil” or “He Whose it is.”

But since October 7, attacks, assaults, and arson—supported and celebrated by most Arab Palestinians living in what the world calls the West Bank—are turning the heartland into a hotbed of hatred. The Islamic Republic of Iran is making the West Bank Palestinians into another powerful proxy.

The lackluster name West Bank is in essence a moniker, a nickname that holds little meaning except perhaps to a broad swath of politicians, leftists, Arabs, and the secular world. West Bank is simply the west bank or west side of the Jordan River in Israel. Keep in mind that the name West Bank—used since 1950—and the ancient names Judea and Samaria refer to the same location. However, most Jews and Christians who respect the Bible refer to it as Judea and Samaria or the biblical heartland.

Threats are mounting against the heartland’s 500,000 Jewish citizens. The U.S. government estimates that 3 million Palestinians live in Judea and Samaria. It is lopsided when it comes to 500,000 overwhelmingly peaceful Israeli citizens and far too many Arabs brainwashed with mind-altering hatred.

Cities in the biblical heartland that are governed by the Palestinian Authority—cities like Nablus, Jenin, Tulkarem, and Kalkilya—are now direct proxies of the Islamic Regime. It is another battle in Israel’s existential war against terror with an Iranian weapons pipeline that began in 2005. Simply put, Iran’s current route from Hezbollah in Lebanon, through Syria (which borders Israel and Jordan), means increasingly advanced weapons are smuggled into the West Bank. Now you may understand why, for almost 20 years, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) were forced to go into Palestinian cities—and that formerly unsophisticated, disorganized attack locales have been transformed into Palestinian terror strongholds. The Islamic Regime is also committing a violation of Jordanian sovereignty, which has had a peace treaty with Israel since 1994.

In his July 8 article on IsraelHayom.com, David M. Weinberg outlines some of the statistics, writing that “more than 5,000 Palestinian bomb, car-ramming, knifing, and shooting attacks a year [are] aimed at killing Israeli civilians in Judea and Samaria.” Thus far this year, the increasing terror threats since the Hamas War have required Israel to “eliminate 450 terrorists in Judea and Samaria” with “more than 60 Israeli brigade-level raids” and arrest 3,600 suspected terrorists. In fact, some 8,000 Israeli reservists are stationed nearby in the heartland.

As one of many smuggling examples, in March IDF and Shin Bet (Israel’s internal security) discovered an entire arsenal. They seized large fragmentation bombs, five anti-tank weapons, four grenade launchers, 31 rocket-propelled grenades, five advanced explosive mechanisms, 25 grenades, 50 guns, and more! IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) are favorites that Palestinians use to plant in the ground. These IEDs are not conventional warfare, and the terrorists are using them more frequently in the biblical heartland. Recently, two IDF soldiers were killed by these roadside bombs, which are planted inside Palestinian refugee camps, towns, and residential neighborhoods.

Israel’s security in the heartland is exceedingly worrisome when it comes to IEDs. These deadly devices are easy to make in most any size and can be buried even under concrete. The Times of Israel reports that since January, Palestinians have thrown more than 1,000 IEDs at Israeli troops. In addition, the IDF has disarmed more than 50 weapons labs and found and disarmed 150 IEDs. The IDF is now pointedly and quickly ramping up the formerly porous Jordanian-Israeli border with, among other assets, a Military Intelligence Satellite Unit 9900 in the heartland. In April’s Iranian barrage of drones, ballistic missiles, and cruise missiles against Israel, the Jordanians helped the U.S., UK, France, and Israel deflect 99 percent of the torrent, realizing that they themselves were in the danger zone.

The Palestinian terrorists are fast becoming more proficient in their goal to murder Jewish men, women, and children. The years-long grassroots attacks, definitely a terrible reality, are quickly becoming more of a force to be reckoned with. In addition, the word complexity takes on another dimension when it comes to the geographical makeup of Judea and Samaria. Here in the biblical heartland, Jewish and Palestinian towns and villages are closely interwoven within irregularly shaped and geographically unorganized enclaves of Arabs and Jews. 

With hundreds of thousands of active and reserve soldiers defending Israel, the biblical heartland is more vulnerable than ever—especially in their puzzle-piece communities of Arabs and Jews. Even the women, as an example, are stepping into their security gap by arming themselves and training on the gun ranges. Several of the women voiced this necessity: “My husband was conscripted, and I needed a tool to save my children.” Another observed, “It’s only a matter of time before they [terrorists] come and it won’t surprise me. I’ll do everything not to be slaughtered in bed.” An additional comment referred to the Bible, “I decided to become a fighter, like women from our history.”

One of the skilled women trainers said that every time she comes to the gun ranges, she thinks to herself, “It is in the name of God, for my home and family.” As a mother, that would be my reasoning too. And every time I receive and touch products from Israel’s heartland, I am interacting with God’s eternal Holy Land where in the Bible Samaria is mentioned 117 times and Judea, 817 times.

Claims made about Judea and Samaria belonging to Arabs are not a fact in reliable history books, most especially in the Bible, which outlines God’s land deed to the Jews’ ancestral homeland. The Holy Land remains as “God’s, Whose it is.” One day, in the Sovereign of the Universe’s timing, tranquility will reign!

Our CBN Israel team welcomes you to join us this week to pray by recalling God’s ironclad promise to Israel: “This is what the LORD says, He who appoints the sun to shine by day, who decrees the moon and stars to shine by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar—the LORD Almighty is His name: ‘Only if these decrees vanish from My sight,’ declares the LORD, ‘will Israel ever cease being a nation before Me’” (Jeremiah 31:35–36).

Prayer Points:

  • Pray for widespread security for all Jewish citizens in Judea and Samaria.
  • Pray for IDF success to stop weapons smuggling into Palestinian-run towns.
  • Pray for Israel as it ramps up its defenses against Hezbollah on its northern border.
  • Pray for more Christians to order products from Judea and Samaria.
  • Pray for Jordan’s continuing cooperation with Israel.

Arlene Bridges Samuels pioneered Christian outreach for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). After she served nine years on AIPAC’s staff, International Christian Embassy Jerusalem USA engaged her as Outreach Director part-time for their project, American Christian Leaders for Israel. Arlene is an author at The Blogs-Times of Israel and has traveled to Israel since 1990. She co-edited The Auschwitz Album Revisited and is on the board of Violins of Hope South Carolina. By invitation, Arlene attends Israel’s Government Press Office Christian Media Summits. She also hosts her devotionals, The Eclectic Evangelical, on her website at ArleneBridgesSamuels.com.

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New Immigrant: Natalia’s Story

When Natalia, a single mom, escaped the Ukraine war, she fled to Israel with her two daughters, and her 10-year-old special needs son Dima. She recalls, “The situation back home was tense as the fighting continued. I decided to try to give my children a better future.”

Dima was diagnosed at 3 months old with cerebral palsy, and was in the hospital every month and half. The move to Israel offered him better medical care. Yet, Natalia still faced mobility challenges, saying, “We were able to get into a special school. But to transport Dima, we needed a specialized wheelchair. Without it, I had to take him to school by myself.”

And because of their refugee status, she could not get health insurance to cover the wheelchair costs. Alone in a new country, where could she turn?

Gratefully, friends like you were there for this young family. Through CBN Israel, donors provided a wheelchair, along with groceries and household essentials. Natalia adds, “We also needed a special bathing chair. I had trouble giving my son baths because he can’t sit up on his own. It was stressful for him, and he would be scared. Now it’ll be a lot easier!” Thanks to our caring donors, she says, “I have hope for the future. You have restored my faith in humanity.”

And your gifts to CBN Israel can give hope and help to others who are struggling—to war victims, elderly Holocaust survivors, lone soldiers, and more. Thousands across Israel are in crisis situations. Your support can bring nutritious meals, housing, and financial assistance to those in need.

Please join us in blessing Israel’s people at this crucial time!


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Shattered Yet Resilient: Israel’s Ongoing Trauma

By Arlene Bridges Samuels

Psychological traumas remain ever-present among Israel’s 7.4 million-plus Jewish population. That’s why, month after month, mental health professionals in Israel are busy developing new research and programs to meet the needs of the small, traumatized nation.

After October 7, 2023, Israel’s citizens experienced a new kind of trauma when Hamas broke through Israel’s complex border security systems, murdered 1,200 Israelis, and kidnapped around 250 hostages. It was a day when Israelis suffered the most egregious losses in one 24-hour period since the Holocaust, this time on their own soil.

Based on ancient Jewish history in the hymnbook of Israel, King David describes his own mental health in Psalm 120:6-7: “Too long have I lived among those who hate peace. I am for peace; but when I speak, they are for war.” In Psalm 31:9-24 David asks God for mercy, saying in verses 10 and 13, “I am consumed by anguish. … I hear many whispering ‘terror on every side.’” And herein some of David’s long-ago assessments of his life could easily apply to Israelis living next to Hamas and Hezbollah—who “hate peace.”

During an enlightening panel at Israel’s Ono Academic College, PhD psychologist and author Pamela Paresky described the October 7 trauma as “unique” and wondered if another term might be more fitting than “trauma.” For example, “shattering” conveys a stronger meaning than the word “trauma,” she stated. Paresky observed that Israelis are also not allowing terrorists to rob them of their joy, but instead are filled with “a firm determination to cherish life and live life to its fullest.” Adding that “Jews are strongest” after their enemies try to break them, she addressed the lack of critical thinking among those currently protesting Israel’s response to Hamas—especially on university campuses where they rely on “logical inversions” that create oppressors and victims, naming Jews as the oppressors.

As an aside to Israel’s increasing mental health initiatives, I discovered a phrase coined by the late actor Mark Venturini. While it had nothing to do with anti-Semitism, it is descriptive of worldwide Jew hatred: “The eyes are useless when the mind is blind.” Despite terrorists’ body cams recording hours of horrors—and 4,000 journalists viewing these—millions of minds are blind despite the evidence so many have witnessed with their own eyes. Clearly, mainstream media has aided and abetted the whipped-up emotional responses by locking into, for example, the Hamas Health Ministry’s inflated statistics about Palestinian deaths and instantly accusing Israel of inhumane acts rather than Hamas, a world-designated terror organization backed by the Islamic regime.   

Despite those lies and accusations, the classic Israeli response to tragedy and crisis—and their persistent search for solutions—often results in creative new ways not only to address the Jewish nation’s unique challenges but also in discoveries that bless the world. One solution undertaken by Hebrew University is its Institute for Traumatic Stress and Recovery. Their pioneering research to address trauma among Israeli children held hostage in Gaza could someday benefit children around the world—children who have been scarred by traumatic events of violence or natural disasters.

Professor Asher Ben-Arieh, one of Israel’s highly regarded experts in childhood trauma, remarked about the hostage children, “These experiences are beyond anything we have seen.” Part of the National Task Force to care for children who were abducted, Ben-Arieh mentions that the Hebrew University program urgently needs complete funding “for a stable center to think out of the box,” he said. “And we need it urgently. We’re not even post trauma. We are not past this. It’s still happening!”

It is disturbing to read the National Task Force’s descriptions of six groups of vulnerable children: child hostages; those who witnessed severe violence and murders; newly orphaned children; children who lost a parent, sibling, or other relatives; children whose friends or peers were killed or kidnapped; and children displaced from their homes. (About 200,000 Israelis and many thousands of children are internal refugees displaced for security reasons due to Hamas and Hezbollah’s aggression.)

Ben-Arieh noted than many parents on October 7 could not save their children. He pointed out, “We have new forms of trauma that we don’t understand.” Updated training for mental health professionals is also part of Israel’s efforts to provide help and comfort. Amid reports that hundreds of thousands of Israelis are in acute psychological distress, an outpouring of those in counseling-related professions have volunteered to become involved. Metiv-Israel Psychotrauma Center in Jerusalem calls such training “mental health first-aid,” where PTSD specialists are instructing other psychologists who want to help but don’t know how. An accredited course is now in place to train psychologists who hold at least a master’s degree.

After reading about Israel’s traumas, if you are compelled to act, The Israel Forever Foundation offers letter writing, a small action that carries big results of encouragement. To participate in their Letters of Friendship program, click here. Choose whom to write to—a lone soldier, a terror victim, Holocaust survivor, or someone with special needs. Simply submit on their website—and your solidarity blessing is on its way.

We welcome you this week to join with our CBN Israel team to pray with King David these closing verses from Psalm 31:14-16. “But as for me, I trust in You, LORD, I say, ‘You are my God.’ My times are in Your hand; deliver me from the hand of my enemies and from those who persecute me. Make Your face shine upon Your servant; save me for Your mercies’ sake.”

Prayer Points:

  • Pray for Israel’s efforts to help those suffering from trauma and PTSD.
  • Pray for the release of all remaining hostages in Gaza and comfort for their families.
  • Pray for the safety and success of IDF soldiers as they defend their nation and people.
  • Pray for the IDF to be vigilant and cautious in detecting Hamas-planted IEDs.
  • Pray for the thousands of wounded soldiers and their families.
  • Pray for families who are grieving the deaths of their soldiers, now numbering 319.

Arlene Bridges Samuels pioneered Christian outreach for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). After she served nine years on AIPAC’s staff, International Christian Embassy Jerusalem USA engaged her as Outreach Director part-time for their project, American Christian Leaders for Israel. Arlene is an author at The Blogs-Times of Israel and has traveled to Israel since 1990. She co-edited The Auschwitz Album Revisited and is on the board of Violins of Hope South Carolina. By invitation, Arlene attends Israel’s Government Press Office Christian Media Summits. She also hosts her devotionals, The Eclectic Evangelical, on her website at ArleneBridgesSamuels.com.

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Families Receive Wartime Trauma Care and Respite

The October 7th Hamas invasion and continuing war have left many casualties. But one group still feeling the effects has been the families of those who were called up to serve in Gaza.

Husbands were suddenly sent to war, leaving their wives to manage the home and kids alone—while still working regular jobs, and trying to calm their children’s fears and anxieties.

“Most civilians aren’t equipped to deal with such intense circumstances, and it has created a crisis for many in that country,” says Arik Pelled, head of CBN Israel’s Family Department.

Fortunately, friends like you are giving these families a much-needed respite. Through CBN Israel, donors sponsored a weekend retreat in Galilee for 20 families who experienced separation due to the war. They enjoyed time in a restful setting—while a professional psychologist and a parenting coach provided trauma counseling, as well as a listening ear.

Mothers learned how to cope with loneliness and anxiety—and husbands discovered about transitioning from a war setting (perhaps with PTSD) back to mundane daily tasks. Parents reconnected with their kids, while getting vital alone time as a couple. More retreats are planned in the coming months—with the next one hosting 30 new families.

One of the wives said, “Our family went through a difficult time, when Yehuda was called to serve in the war for a long time—more than four months—during which he served in Gaza and was not allowed to make contact. The uncertainty made it difficult for us as a family.”

She thanked donors for a weekend that “wrapped us in warmth and love,” saying, “We knew we were in good hands.”

And your gifts to CBN Israel can also bring food, lodging, and essentials to many other victims of the war—as well as giving ongoing aid to Holocaust survivors, single moms, and refugees.

Please join us in blessing Israel and her people in need!


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