
How Will Israeli Americans and American Christians Vote?

By Arlene Bridges Samuels

Candidates running for President, House, and Senate seats in the 2024 United States elections are saturating the country with ads and appearances on airwaves, social media, events, and conversations. Scores of texts and emails are overwhelming our mobile phones and computers, and our mailboxes are stuffed with duplicate fundraising letters for political donations.

In less than two weeks—on November 5—Americans will finish their early and final voting, which sets the stage for the next four years in our nation and the world.

However, a genuine problem is looming in the United States. An October headline shouted, “Apathy Among Christian Voters Could Be ‘Gamechanger’ in 2024 election.” The Barna Group’s research notes that out of 104 million people of faith, an estimated 32 million self-identified churchgoers who regularly attend church will not cast their ballots. As you will see, it is seriously time for us to follow the examples of Moses and Esther.

Comparing the U.S. percentage to Israeli voting habits, 70 percent of Israelis vote for their Knesset (Parliament) for their parties, which leads to the coalition for a prime minister! Israelis closely engage in vigorous, often contentious politics and discussions in their homeland. 

Politics in the U.S. has regressed into toxic verbal landscapes not seen in decades along with two assassination attempts against former President Trump. Many prefer to turn off the media and wrap themselves in a cocoon of disengagement.

Sharp divisions between American Democrats and Republicans show up in new uncharted issues—plus COVID-19 aftermaths, climate disasters totaling $93 billion in 2023 alone, and now traumas due to devastating hurricanes in the last two months. These catastrophic events—and more—add further complexities and questions for Americans.

Israelis fighting their justified seven-front war are reeling with grief from October 7 in their brave, exhausting, and ongoing war against the Islamic Regime and its proxies. IDF soldier deaths are increasing amid the ground war in southern Lebanon—and then last week’s Hezbollah drone targeting Prime Minister Netanyahu’s home increased Israeli anxieties.

All to say, the challenges for the United States and our ally Israel are problems that only God can and will solve, in His timing. 

Meanwhile, what is our role as Christians? Do we sit idly by in disgust and disillusionment amid constant breaking news disruptions? Are we angry most of the time? Have we retreated from our freedoms?

Let us replace our outrage with outreach, and our apathy with action, to engage effectively with our culture by honoring our freedom to vote, especially here in the United States. Israelis honor their freedom with high voter turnout. Let us imitate them!   

You may be surprised to know that the Bible provides us with outstanding role models and expectations as citizens. With the research indicating that as many as 32 million church-going Christians may not vote, it is important to learn from biblical leaders engaged in politics.

If you are choosing not to vote, I want to point you toward four biblical leaders in the hope that you will overcome your reluctance to cast your ballot in this upcoming election and make your voice heard in the political context.

God used Joseph in lifesaving ways by positioning him in his role as Pharaoh’s prime minister. Joseph accepted his future with wise decisions and brilliantly carried out his prominent position in politics, resulting in his Jewish family surviving the famine. Similarly, around 400 years later, God placed Moses in a key position in Egypt, not on Pharoah’s staff but as an ancient lobbyist. In his role, Moses appealed to Pharoah many times to “let my people go.” Finally, his appeals were answered and the Jewish people set out on their 40-year journey to the Promised Land. 

Queen Esther also functioned as an ancient lobbyist. God placed her, a young Jewish orphan, in an influential position as a wife to King Ahasuerus. With prayer and courage, she made requests to him that saved the Jewish people from Haman’s genocidal plans.

And yes, although Babylonians captured Daniel and his friends from Jerusalem, God elevated Daniel to a highly esteemed position on King Nebuchadnezzar’s staff. Daniel served as the king’s premier counselor and held devotedly to his Jewish faith in a foreign, idol-worshiping land. He overcame his fear with faith even in the lion’s den.

Joseph, Moses, Esther, and Daniel deserve a second look into how God used them in a political context to change history.

A fact not widely known is that Israeli-Americans—dual citizens—number up to 500,000. They vote by absentee ballot in U.S. elections. Like those in the United States, when it comes to Donald Trump or Kamala Harris, they will vote for their favorite candidate. Republicans and Democrats have branch offices in Israel with their get-out-the-vote campaigns. Israel’s U.S. Embassy provided voting guidelines on January 26, 2024, emphasizing the importance of absentee ballots and detailing the instructions for the process.

Regarding perfect candidates and governments on earth, these do not exist. That is, until Isaiah 9:7 is reflected upon. Of the greatness of His government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over His kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever.”

While earthly governments oppress and operate in a quagmire of self-interests, even in a democracy, Heaven’s country will outshine them all. God Himself will be our government. Perfection will overtake imperfection. Love will overtake hate. Joy will overtake sorrow when the government rests upon His shoulders.

A few bullet points to consider: Voting is a privilege. Our military has sacrificed for our freedoms so let’s not take those freedoms for granted. No candidate is perfect. Before you vote, pray and consult the Lord. Be aware that propaganda is at an all-time high. Be cautious about what you read and hear.

Vote for the candidates that reflect your values the most. Consider the quality of life for you, your family, and your friends. Closely examine candidate policies.

We welcome you to join our CBN Israel team this week to pray with lofty expectations about a perfect government in Isaiah 9:6: “And the government will be upon His shoulders.”

Prayer Points:

  • Pray for U.S. elections and protection for Presidential, House, and Senate candidates.
  • Pray that Christians will abandon their apathy and choose to vote.
  • Pray that all vote counting will go smoothly.
  • Pray for Israeli civilians, the IDF, and Lebanese Christians in the war against evil.

Arlene Bridges Samuels is the weekly feature columnist for CBN Israel since 2020. Working on the staff of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) as their SE Regional Outreach Director for nine years, International Christian Embassy Jerusalem USA engaged her as the Leadership Outreach Director part-time for their project American Christian Leaders for Israel. Arlene is an author at The Blogs-Times of Israel, is published at and The Jerusalem Connection, and has traveled to Israel since 1990. By invitation, she attends Israel’s Government Press Office Christian Media Summits as part of Christian media worldwide.  In 2024, Arlene and her husband Paul co-authored Mental Health Meltdown: Illuminating the Voices of Bipolar and Other Mental Illnesses.

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