
Victim of Terrorism: Anastasia’s Story

Like others living along the Gaza border, Anastasia and her family were accustomed to hearing rocket alerts. But the morning of October 7, she knew something was different.

Awakened at 6:30 am by rocket fire and sirens, Anastasia thought, “They will bombard us for two to three days, as always.” So she and her husband ran with their two-year-old daughter to the bomb shelter. Minutes later, a nearby parking lot was bombed, with cars on fire. Then they saw the terrifying videos and news on Facebook, and knew they were under attack.

Yet, friends like you were there for Anastasia. Fortunately, CBN Israel had worked with her family earlier, and staff reached out to make sure they were safe. Through donors’ support, we evacuated them and others to a hotel, and provided meals, essentials, lodging, and counseling.

Anastasia shared, “The group of people who came that believe in God, they have done so much good for us. Really, we are so grateful. Where does all this kindness come from—the donations for people they don’t even know? Wow…” Caring partners gave her encouragement to move forward, and she says, “We are together, we are alive. That is something to thank God for.”

Your gifts to CBN Israel can give so many Israelis in need a reason to be grateful. In addition to helping victims of the war with Hamas, you can supply groceries, financial aid, and housing to many more in crisis.

And your support can bring ongoing assistance to aging Holocaust survivors, single moms, refugees, and terror victims.

Please join us in blessings Israel at this crucial time!


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