
Victim of Terrorism: Meir’s Story

When sirens wailed nonstop early on the morning of October 7, Meir rushed his wife and four young children into the bomb shelter. Meanwhile, armed Hamas terrorists were invading their street.

For three days, this family sheltered in a safe room, as rockets exploded nearby. Meir said, “I have children with special needs, on the autism spectrum. I tried to calm them down and figure out what to do.” At last, Meir’s family was evacuated by the Israeli army to a Jerusalem hotel for several weeks. But how would their children adapt to so much upheaval?

Through CBN Israel, friends like you sponsored a program with the Shalva organization, offering critical therapies for evacuated families with special needs kids. For Meir, this assistance was a lifesaver.

However, during their months of evacuation, Meir lost his job, and finances were tight. When one of his children with autism believed he could fly like a movie character, his doctor urgently recommended they move to a more costly ground-floor apartment. Yet, how could he afford it?

Meir had to choose between safer housing and therapy for his special needs children—and then, caring donors paid the family’s rent for six months! Meir exclaimed, “I don’t know what I would have done without you. This is such a blessing to be able to provide for my children. It has revived me!”

And your gifts to CBN Israel can revive others in crisis, by delivering nutritious meals, housing, financial aid, medical care, bomb shelters, and more. Your support can provide a lifeline to those in Israel who are hurting, including Holocaust survivors, refugees, single moms, and terror victims.

Please join us in reaching out at this critical time!


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Biblical Israel: Mount Nebo

By Marc Turnage

Mount Nebo is in the Transjordan (the modern Kingdom of Jordan) in the biblical territory of Moab. From here, Moses viewed the promised land, which he was not permitted to enter due to his disobedience in the Wilderness of Zin (Numbers 20).

God also buried him on Mount Nebo (Deuteronomy 34:1-8). The two and a half tribes that remained east of the Jordan River (Reuben, Gad, and half of the tribe of Manasseh) name Mount Nebo as part of the territory they requested from Moses. Its situation near to the southern end of Gilead (see Deuteronomy 34:1) and within Moab meant that, like other locations along this border, at times it came under the control of Israel and at others the Moabites laid claim to it.

Near to the mountain was a village also named Nebo (Numbers 32:3; 32:38; Isaiah 15:2; Jeremiah 48:1). The preservation of the name of the city aided later travelers and pilgrims in identifying Mount Nebo, which has been identified as such since the 4th century A.D. Byzantine pilgrims routinely visited Mount Nebo and left descriptions as to its location.

Mount Nebo is demarcated by two wadis on the north (Wadi Ayoun Mousa) and south (Wadi Afrit), and the Jordan Valley to the west. It’s highest peak stands at over 2,500 feet above sea level, and none of its peaks are lower than 2,100 feet above sea level.

The two most important peaks are Siyagha in the north (2,130 feet) and Mukhayyat (2,370 feet). Both yield evidence of human presence for thousands of years. From both locations, one has a dramatic view of the Dead Sea, the Jordan Valley and Jericho, and the wilderness of Tekoa to Jerusalem.

Excavations on Siyagha revealed a basilica with mosaics and a monastery that developed around it. So too, excavations on Mukhayyat revealed several Byzantine churches as well.

Marc Turnage is President/CEO of Biblical Expeditions. He is an authority on ancient Judaism and Christian origins. He has published widely for both academic and popular audiences. His most recent book, Windows into the Bible, was named by Outreach Magazine as one of its top 100 Christian living resources. Marc is a widely sought-after speaker and a gifted teacher. He has been guiding groups to the lands of the Bible—Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Greece, and Italy—for over twenty years.

Facebook: @witbuniversity
Podcast: Windows into the Bible Podcast

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Weekly Devotional: True Religion

“If anyone thinks himself to be religious, yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this person’s religion is worthless. Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world” (James 1:26-27 NASB).

Within our Western society, even among Christians, the term “religion” has gained a negative connotation. Such thinking was foreign to the biblical mind.

James outlines what true religion is. Notice, it pertains to how we treat others: bridling our tongues, caring for widows and orphans, and keeping ourselves from being soiled by the world. This is a pure and undefiled religion before God. 

We often describe our faith and relationship with God as pertaining primarily with how we relate to God. Yet James focused it on how we relate to others. Our treatment of others is what ultimately demonstrates our relationship with God. So, let’s look at this for a minute. 

Our social media world encourages us to communicate, to share our thoughts and opinions, to comment on others’ thoughts and opinions. As such, it has greatly contributed to the division and contempt expressed in our world today. How many use such platforms to “set others straight”? 

Is that bridling our tongues? Just because we can say it and have the platform to do so, does that mean we should? James says about those who cannot control their words that their religion is worthless. If we evaluated our relationship with God using James’s criteria, how would we fare?

He then mentions that pure and undefiled religion before God is that which compels us to take care of widows and orphans in their distress.

Ancient religions, like Judaism, valued ritual purity in their worship. When one approached the Temple in Jerusalem, you had to ritually immerse; in that way, your worship, your religion, would be pure. 

Since we don’t tend to look at worship in that manner today, we don’t feel the full impact of James’s words. James, however, says that true, pure religion is not something you do ritually; rather, it’s how you care for the outsiders of society who are in need. 

James, like his brother Jesus, recognized that the evidence of a sound relationship with God is how we relate to others, particularly the less fortunate. He reserved harsh words for those who do not bridle their tongue.

He defined what true religion is and what matters to God: our treatment of others. We relate to God by how we relate to others.


Father, help me to guard my lips today, and may I keep myself pure and love those around me, especially those in distress. Amen.

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Christian Women for Israel: One Organization—70,000 Strong 

By Arlene Bridges Samuels

Today, among numerous women’s prayer groups, Christian Women for Israel (CW4I) are an inspiring example of standing with Israel and praying for her people. An international group of women devoted to prayer, education, advocacy, and peace for all people in Israel, the 70,000 CW4I members worldwide come from every state and from 30 countries.

Christian Women for Israel was cofounded by Peggy Kennedy and Pastor Leah Miles. Leah and Peggy’s CW4I partnership, officially set up in 2018 as a program of The Esther 414 Foundation, quickly gained importance when the menacing Islamic Regime’s threats and proxies grew more strident in 2021 by intensifying its clearly stated goals against Israel. Peggy explains the “pillars” of the foundation as support for Israel, underserved communities, women’s empowerment initiatives, and sharing Jesus’ love in demonstrated ways. 

Like everyone else around the globe, Kennedy and Miles could not have anticipated the outbreak of Hamas’s unmitigated brutality that began on October 7, 2023. When this Iranian proxy took delight in its massacres—recorded on their own body cams as evidence—the world reacted with shock and moments of compassion. That compassion lasted only a few short days before slander and misinformation saturated the airwaves.  

Nevertheless, amid the heavy blanket of Jew hatred covering Israel and all Jews, today’s global modern-day army of CW4I is pressing in with unrelenting prayer matched with action to ease the heaviness and trauma. The reincarnation of ancient Persia’s vile Haman has been active since 1979, when the Islamic Regime’s genocidal Shia Islam ayatollahs overthrew the government. The hateful campaigns of the apocalyptic imams crush their own population, which longs for freedom. Now more than ever, the world needs praying Esthers on their knees who then stand up with merciful humanitarian acts.

The book of Esther’s calling card for CW4I is well known in Mordecai’s wise admonition to the Queen: “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14)

Christian Women for Israel began in a small yet determined way after its cofounders met at the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. In 2018, information-gathering pioneers Leah Miles, her mother Elaine Anderson, and daughter Allison Cacella-Lauer traveled to Israel as a generational trio. Prior to their trip, Leah described their intensive prayer efforts. “We collected thousands of prayer requests before our trip, typed them, printed then cut them out, and rolled them up.” The trio spent hours at the Western Wall while stuffing the Wall’s ancient crevices and praying over each request.

In 2019, CW4I inaugurated its Goodwill Ambassador’s program, financing a group of 14 women led by Pastor Robbie Glover and cofounder Peggy Kennedy. The Ambassadors served as volunteers in a soup kitchen, delivering meals to shut-ins (including Holocaust survivors), assisting new Jewish citizens, and visiting with soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces to encourage these valiant men and women. The CW4I Ambassadors also spent prayer times at the Western Wall, in never-to-be-forgotten hours at one of Judaism’s holiest sites. The Western Wall stands surrounded by centuries of powerful prayers rendered by millions of worshippers.  

After the inaugural CW4I Ambassador’s trip in 2019, COVID-19 hindered plans for future volunteer trips to Israel. The horrific Hamas invasion on October 7 and ongoing war have further curtailed trips. Nonetheless, Leah Miles makes their efforts clear: “Even though we are not on the ground in Israel, what we do here is to use our voices and influence.” 

Ongoing prayers for Israel and Jewish communities worldwide continue as a hallmark of CW41. Since October 7, the organization has added a significant partnership with Vision for Israel to raise finances for a portable bomb shelter. A location for the bomb shelter will not be hard to find, as Israel is fighting a battle for survival on seven fronts: Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Iran. Israel has operated in all seven theaters since October 7, 2023.

Leah’s past and present association with the award-winning MorseLife Foundation’s Holocaust Now, which helps low-income survivors, also indicates her wide-ranging activism. While raising her young children, she also served as the only Christian on the Florida Holocaust Task Force. The task force’s efforts resulted in the Florida Legislature passing the Holocaust Education Bill in 1994, which required all school districts to incorporate Holocaust lessons as part of public-school instruction in grades K-12 to achieve Holocaust literacy.

Leah credits two very special older Jewish friends who delivered meals together in those early days as her encouragers for advocacy, which has lasted for decades now. She is thankful for the “seeds they planted in me.” Christian Women for Israel endures as a force to be reckoned with, in prayers asking the Commander of Angel Armies to enable Israel to have victory again—after many centuries—over modern enemies like Haman who want to destroy them.

If you are not yet involved in prayer and action, CW4I welcomes you. They describe themselves as a “band of ordinary women doing extraordinary things” and are “devoted to prayer, advocacy, and peace for all people in Israel.”

As in Esther 4:14, is God calling you for such a time as this? A time when the Biden/Harris administration has removed sanctions against Iran? Where the U.S. government adds billions to the evil regime’s coffers, taking the handcuffs off the world’s most dangerous terrorist nation? The results are open doors of death and destruction in Israel, plus covert goals against the United States and beyond. And now, bands of ordinary women have an extraordinary opportunity to stand with Israel. Learn more here.

We welcome you this week to join our CBN Israel team to pray with us, recalling God’s affection for His chosen people in Deuteronomy 7:8: “The Lord your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be His people, His treasured possession.”  

Prayer Points: 

  • Pray that Esther 414 and CW4I will grow exponentially.  
  • Pray for all women who care for Israel to seek ways to bless His people.
  • Pray for Israel’s victory in a seven-front war against Iran’s and its terror proxies.
  • Pray for the Iranians who are suffering under the regime.

Arlene Bridges Samuels pioneered Christian outreach for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). After she served nine years on AIPAC’s staff, International Christian Embassy Jerusalem USA engaged her as Outreach Director part-time for their project, American Christian Leaders for Israel. Arlene is an author at The Blogs-Times of Israel and has traveled to Israel since 1990. She co-edited The Auschwitz Album Revisited and is on the board of Violins of Hope South Carolina. By invitation, Arlene attends Israel’s Government Press Office Christian Media Summits. She also hosts her devotionals, The Eclectic Evangelical, on her website at

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Victim of Terrorism: Bella’s Story

Bella, an 86-year-old grandmother, lives in Kibbutz Gvulot in Israel, on the border of Gaza. On October 7, her life was devastated when she lost her grandson, Yotam, who was kidnapped by Hamas. It was a dark day for thousands like Bella residing near Gaza.

Her kibbutz and other tight-knit communities in the Eshkol region absorbed the brunt of the Hamas attacks that day. Most of the deaths and abductions occurred there, and several of the kibbutzim lost a fourth of their population in that horrific attack. The entire area has been in trauma ever since. How could an elderly woman like Bella recover from such a tragedy?

Fortunately, friends like you were there through CBN Israel’s partnership with Neve Eshkol—a center that gives care and support to seniors in the Gaza envelope region.

Caring donors are offering Bella and others a hot meal every day—plus financial help, post-trauma care, food distribution, and various activities. Although the center suffered casualties and was forced to close after the invasion, it reopened soon thereafter, providing hope and essential services for elderly evacuees.

Bella exclaimed, “The October 7th invasion and massacre brought untold suffering to so many of us… Knowing that Christians across the globe care this much for us in our time of need is truly a blessing beyond words—thank you!”

Your gifts to CBN Israel can be a blessing to others in need as well, including aging Holocaust survivors, single moms, war victims, and refugees. As Israelis struggle to survive this challenging time, your support is crucial in supplying groceries, shelter, and compassionate relief to thousands.

Please help us reach out to those in crisis!


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Biblical Israel: Southern Steps

By Marc Turnage

Pilgrims to Jerusalem in the first century A.D. approached the Temple Mount from the south. After ritually purifying themselves, either in the Pool of Siloam, at the southern end of the City of David, or in one of the ritual immersion baths located along the southern end of the Temple Mount, pilgrims ascended onto the Temple platform via the southern steps that led through two sets of gates referred to as the Huldah Gates. 

Entering through the Huldah Gates, one came into a double-vaulted entrance hall that led into an ascending tunnel that exited onto the Temple Mount platform. Upon exiting the tunnel, the pilgrim found him or herself standing on a pavement of colorful stones on the southern end of the Temple Mount platform facing the sacred precinct and the Temple itself.

Today visitors to the southern steps of the Temple Mount see remnants of the two sets of gates. The western most of the gates preserves the remains of a double gate, which served as the exit for pilgrims to the Temple. The eastern most set of gates is today a triple gate sealed, most likely, during the Crusader period. This gate was also originally a double gate, and through it, pilgrims entered the Temple. If a pilgrim was in mourning, they reversed their course, entering through the exit and exiting through the entrance, so that other pilgrims could comfort them saying, “May He that dwells in this house give you comfort!”

We hear of Jewish Sages sitting on these steps teaching their students and interacting with pilgrims entering and exiting the Temple. Today, most of the steps have been reconstructed, but a few of the original steps remain exposed. The steps leading up to the Huldah Gates follow a pattern of long, short, long, short. This arrangement makes it difficult for the pilgrim to ascend the steps either running or in great haste. Thus, one must approach the sacred Temple, the house of God, in a circumspect manner. 

South and east of the southern steps archaeologists uncovered a large and unique Jewish ritual immersion bath, a mikveh. Its proximity to the Temple, as well as its unique construction, have led some to suggest that this served the priests for their ritual purification. Other ritual immersion baths have been discovered along the southern end of the Temple Mount, which served Jewish pilgrims who immersed and purified themselves prior to entering the Temple (see Acts 21:24).

Marc Turnage is President/CEO of Biblical Expeditions. He is an authority on ancient Judaism and Christian origins. He has published widely for both academic and popular audiences. His most recent book, Windows into the Bible, was named by Outreach Magazine as one of its top 100 Christian living resources. Marc is a widely sought-after speaker and a gifted teacher. He has been guiding groups to the lands of the Bible—Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Greece, and Italy—for over twenty years.

Facebook: @witbuniversity
Podcast: Windows into the Bible Podcast

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Weekly Devotional: Who Is Your God?

And the LORD passed before him and proclaimed, “The LORD, the LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children’s children to the third and the fourth generation” (Exodus 34:6-7 NKJV). 

This statement is made about God more than any other in the Old Testament. If you want to know God’s character, memorize this. Internalize it. It represents the varied nature of His character and personality: merciful and gracious, forgiving, yet holy.

Our world, even within Christian circles, often wants to make God in its image. We tend to prefer a loving and forgiving God, so that’s what we typically focus on the most.

The God we imagine would never judge anyone harshly. On the other end of the spectrum, there are some who want God to bring judgment quickly. However, we don’t get to make God what we want Him to be.

This passage describes who He is. He is merciful and compassionate. He forgives our sins, yet He also holds us accountable, especially if we do not repent. He doesn’t deal with us as we deserve, but that in no way lessens His holy and righteous demands.

We tend to gravitate to either extreme—a loving God who tolerates everything or a harsh God who forgives little. Yet the Bible makes clear who God is. It never loses the balance of His mercy and His justice. In fact, it makes clear that you cannot have genuine mercy without justice, just as you cannot have justice without mercy.

Unfortunately, we find ourselves swayed by our own personal preferences or what our world tells us God should be like. We look to our society to define biblical ideas like justice, mercy, righteousness, and holiness; yet these characteristics find definition in God within the Bible—how He acts and how He expects us to act.

He is compassionate and gracious, forgiving of sins. If we want our world to see Him, then we must behave the same way. He is just; we must demonstrate His justice too.

That’s hard for us; we tend to go one way over the other. But God is not like that; He keeps His mercy and justice in perfect balance.

When God passed before Moses and proclaimed this, Moses bowed down and worshiped God. Please take a moment today to let the words of this confession penetrate your heart and soul. This is who our God is.


Father, we stand in awe of You. You are merciful and compassionate. You are just. How mighty and awesome are You. Amen.

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How Important Is It for the United States to Stand with Israel?

By Arlene Bridges Samuels

When the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) hired me as its first Southeast Regional Christian Outreach Director in 2007, an exceptional privilege awaited me. AIPAC’s foresight as a historically Jewish institution to welcome Christians, Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians into pro-Israel advocacy was not only an act of unity but has turned out to be a necessity now more than ever since the October 7 massacres and kidnappings. Glancing into the rearview mirror after retiring nine years later in 2016, I remain indebted to AIPAC for being a pro-Israel advocate before and after my position as its first outreach director.

AIPAC’s leadership and training have embodied a rare coalition of diverse people with only one shared goal: strengthening the U.S./Israel relationship in Congress among both Democrats and Republicans. AIPAC is (and since 1954 has been) an American organization laser-focused on one purpose: to work with the administration and members of Congress to benefit both Israel and the United States of America.

Education, facts, and relationships have powered AIPAC’s influence taking hold more prominently from the 1990s onward. AIPAC was often described by many as a political action committee focusing on the last three letters of its acronym. It is still Public Affairs Committee.

However, in a timely decision in 2022 amid the doses of poison polluting American politics, AIPAC expanded by adding two political action committees: the AIPAC PAC and a super PAC called United Democracy Project. In this election cycle, both Republican and Democratic donors are contributing to AIPAC’s PACs for current Democratic and Republican members of Congress and candidates running for office.

About each of these candidates, AIPAC donors are interested in one simple fact: Is the legislator or candidate a demonstrated supporter of the U.S./Israel relationship? Recently two House members, outspoken against Israel’s right to defend its existential attacks supported by the Islamic Regime, have lost their primaries: Cori Bush (D-MO) and Jamaal Bowman (D-NY). A great outcome for AIPAC and pro-Israel advocates.

In my staff position with AIPAC, I informed and engaged pastors, churches, and Christian leaders in businesses, ministries, and national organizations throughout the Southeast and beyond. For nine years I communicated one foundational message to Christians: We must follow in the footsteps of famous biblical trailblazers whose stories we love. Moses was an ancient lobbyist when he approached Pharaoh to “let my people go.” Esther prayerfully took a political stance while hosting a dinner to honor King Ahasuerus. There she revealed Haman’s genocidal plot to murder her people, the Jews.

Because Moses and Queen Esther acted on God’s directions and strategies to lobby two powerful leaders, the Jewish people miraculously survive to this very day. This is politics at its finest, appealing to a leader with a life-altering request on behalf of Jews. After October 7, Christians living today find ourselves at a turning point in world history with Israel and the Jewish community as the centerpiece globally.

Given that politics and the U.S. Congress are so unpopular today, is there any sense in following ancient Moses and Esther in their dangerous times into controversy and chaos today? The horrors of October 7 provide our answer.

Whether or not you are an advocate for Israel though AIPAC or another effective organization, it is essential to understand the benefits for the United States in supporting our greatest ally, Israel. The small nation of Israel is an island of democracy and freedom in a sea of dictatorial regimes. To estimate the benefits Israel offers the U.S. is impossible. However, it is decidedly an enormous return on investment.

One of the key benefits to Americans is Israeli intelligence, which helps us with our own security and counterterrorism strategies. As drug and human trafficking cartels, violent gangs, and known terrorists flood our open southern border, Israel’s intelligence capabilities are a vital benefit.

The strong friendship between the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the U.S. military produces shared technologies and techniques that benefit both nations. By pioneering innovative technologies that include cyber defense, sensors, electronic warfare systems, and battlefield medical support, Israel helps save American soldiers. Both militaries share know-how to improve equipment and tactics.

The U.S. also benefits economically, since more than 75 percent of security assistance to Israel is spent in the United States at weapons factories— which helps create thousands of excellent American jobs. Israel is a crucial location for the War Reserves Stock Allies-Israel program. The United States owns and manages weapons worth $3.4 billion—stored in Israel for U.S. military use. With the Middle East teetering on a more expansive level of war—and American military assets in the region—a stockpile is invaluable.

As our only democratic ally in the Middle East, Israel defends itself by itself and does not ask for American boots on the ground. This diminutive nation is forced to spend more on defense as a percentage of its GDP than any other nation in the industrialized world. Nonetheless they are indeed grateful for the U.S. Congress, Christian supporters, and our military presence in the air and on their ships.

One of AIPAC’s staff and volunteer activists’ most important roles annually is to interact with Congress to make sure Israel receives its annual security aid. As Israel now fights a multi-front war, security aid primarily funds Israel’s purchase of weapons needed to defend itself. For those of us who consistently pray for Israel, we can thank God that our Congress performs the vital function of keeping the Jewish people safer in their homeland.

Politics on behalf of the U.S.-Israel relationship can then become a holy act in a secular context.

For pro-Israel Christians who either disdain politics and the U.S. Congress—or who are discouraged with perceived congressional inaction—read this next paragraph closely. Jewish, Christian, Black, Hispanic, and Asian members of AIPAC are following Moses and Esther as role models. In 2024, AIPAC worked in Washington to pass the largest security funding in Israel’s history: $4 billion for the Iron Dome and David’s Sling, $4.4 billion to replenish U.S. stockpiles, $3.5 billion to acquire more weapons for its multi-front war, and $1.2 billion for Iron Beam, Israel’s emerging laser system that will intercept rockets and drones at a fraction of the cost. Click here for more details.

AIPAC and its activists have educated Congress with many facts that have produced excellent legislation. Highlights include bans on funding UNRWA and the anti-Israel UN Commission of Inquiry; the No Technology for Terror Act restricting American technology to Iran; sanctions on groups like Hamas that use humans as shields; and the Mahsa Amini Human Rights and Security Accountability Act, which holds the Islamic Regime accountable for the brutal repression of its citizens. These are but a sampling of what Congress is enacting legislatively despite the far-left members of Congress led by the terror-supporting Squad.

AIPAC has grown into an organization of more than 4 million pro-Israel Americans living in 435 congressional districts who are working to strengthen bipartisan support for the U.S.-Israel relationship.

While America is more secure when Israel is strong, history repeatedly proves that the God of Abraham, Isacc, and Jacob has preserved His chosen people for thousands of years. While God’s promises remain nevertheless, believers must position ourselves in prayer and action for our spiritual homeland, where our Jewish Jesus walked on earth and fulfilled Scriptures in the Old and New Testaments.

Our CBN Israel team welcomes you to pray with us this week from Psalm 122:6—Jerusalem, we pray that you will have peace, and that all will go well for those who love you.

Prayer Points:

  • Pray for the majority of the U.S. Congress to remain committed to Israel.
  • Pray that any anti-Semitism in Congress will no longer be a reality.
  • Pray for AIPAC, its staff, and activists, for enduring strength.
  • Pray for more Christians to follow Moses and Esther in politics.

Arlene Bridges Samuels pioneered Christian outreach for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). After she served nine years on AIPAC’s staff, International Christian Embassy Jerusalem USA engaged her as Outreach Director part-time for their project, American Christian Leaders for Israel. Arlene is an author at The Blogs-Times of Israel and has traveled to Israel since 1990. She co-edited The Auschwitz Album Revisited and is on the board of Violins of Hope South Carolina. By invitation, Arlene attends Israel’s Government Press Office Christian Media Summits. She also hosts her devotionals, The Eclectic Evangelical, on her website at

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Training Israeli Therapists to Treat the Massive Number of War and Terror Victims

Since Israel’s war began on October 7, living in a constant state of danger is the new normal for Israelis. But what happens to people when hope turns to despair the longer a war lasts?

Ukraine has lived through a 10-year war which has intensified in the last few years. Regent University professor Olga Zaporozhets has counseled Ukraine war victims, and believes the same waves of trauma she saw in Ukraine will wash over Israel, if nothing is done to prevent it. And thankfully, it can be prevented, through recently developed therapies.

Unlike a single short-lived disaster, with a return to safety and recovery, living with the stress of prolonged war can take a long-term toll, with people needing relief and hope. Zaporozhets explained, “I believe Ukrainian research and professionals now have these new experiences, new research, and new results that are very valuable in the Israeli situation right now.”

She continued, “We have tools to bring healing and early intervention stabilization procedures. If people know how to do them, PTSD and stress reactions go away—and PTSD does not develop.” This can be a vital tool in bringing war victims into a healthier, hopeful place.

And thanks to the support of caring donors, these new methods were showcased in a workshop in Ramet Gan, Israel—featuring a collaboration of CBN Israel, Regent University, Israel Trauma Coalition, and counseling institutions established by Regent University in Ukraine.

Though CBN Israel has hosted numerous trauma counseling seminars, this one was conducted exclusively in Russian. More than 50 Russian-speaking therapists from across the nation attended, since 1.5 million Israelis speak Russian—including refugees who escaped Ukraine’s war. Research shows that receiving counseling in one’s native language produces better results. 

Your gifts to CBN Israel can also help war victims in many other ways—through evacuations, meals, lodging, and more—while providing compassionate relief to those in need across the Holy Land.

Please join us in reaching out with God’s love to those who are hurting!


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Biblical Israel: Tower of David

By Marc Turnage

The only gate on the western side of the modern Old City of Jerusalem is Jaffa Gate (so named because the road leading to Jaffa goes through this gate). Inside Jaffa Gate stands the Citadel or the Tower of David. This structure has nothing to do with David, which can confuse modern visitors to Jerusalem. 

The buildings and tower that stands today are built upon the highest point of the city at the end of the Old Testament Period and in the first century. In fact, the wall of the city in these periods turned to the east at this point going towards the area of the Temple Mount. The wall followed a shallow ditch that ran west to east along Jerusalem’s northern boundary. This offered the city’s only natural protection on its northern approach. 

In the first century, Herod the Great chose this strategic location to build his palace in Jerusalem. Its elevated position enabled him to look down over the Temple Mount. Because of the city’s vulnerability to the north, he built three large towers on the northern end of his palace. He named them Phasael (after his brother), Mariamme (after his beloved Hasmonean bride), and Hippicus. The base of one of these three towers forms the base of the Tower of David. 

Herod had palaces throughout his kingdom—Jericho, Caesarea, his palace-fortresses at Masada, and Herodium—but his Jerusalem palace was his largest and most splendid. He decorated it with all kinds of colorful, inlaid stones. Remains of two large pools have been excavated. He built two large building complexes within the palace, one he named Caesareum (after Caesar Augustus, his friend and benefactor) and the other Agrippeum (after Marcus Agrippa, Augustus’ number two man). Herod’s palace had its own aqueduct that provided for its water needs. The aqueduct originated south of Bethlehem. In this palace, Herod would have questioned the wise men seeking the baby Jesus (Matthew 2).

After the death of Herod in 4 B.C., his son Archelaus controlled the lands that included Jerusalem, but when Archelaus was removed by Rome at the request of the Jewish people in A.D. 6, his territory came under the direct rule of the Roman governors. The Roman governors lived in Herod’s palace in Caesarea on the Mediterranean coast. Paul was brought into Herod’s palace in Caesarea, into the Roman governor’s residence (Acts 23:35), which Luke refers to as “the praetorium of Herod.” 

The Roman governors resided in Jerusalem during the Jewish festivals to keep civic order, and they stayed at Herod’s palace. Jesus was brought before Pilate in Jerusalem to the praetorium, which Mark’s Gospel refers to as “the palace” (Mark 15:15). The most likely location in Jerusalem for this encounter was in the palace of Herod the Great. The mention in John’s Gospel of the lithostratos, which is a Greek term meaning “an inlaid stone floor,” further suggests Pilate’s location within Herod’s palace, which Herod had decorated with colorful stones. 

The earliest Christian traditions that follow Jesus’ journey from being beaten to his point of execution follow a route that begins in the area of Herod’s palace to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, as attested by the Bordeaux Pilgrim. In this way, Herod’s palace serves as a key location at Jesus’ birth and his death.

Marc Turnage is President/CEO of Biblical Expeditions. He is an authority on ancient Judaism and Christian origins. He has published widely for both academic and popular audiences. His most recent book, Windows into the Bible, was named by Outreach Magazine as one of its top 100 Christian living resources. Marc is a widely sought-after speaker and a gifted teacher. He has been guiding groups to the lands of the Bible—Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Greece, and Italy—for over twenty years.

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Podcast: Windows into the Bible Podcast

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