Maria’s family fled to Uzbekistan when the Nazis invaded Belarus during World War II. Struggling to live, she worked in a factory seven days a week. After the war, her family returned to Belarus, only to find their home was destroyed. So Maria lived with her aunt in St. Petersburg.
Twenty years ago, after the Soviet Union fell, Maria immigrated to Israel. Today, she is a 95-year-old Holocaust survivor. There are about 165,000 Holocaust survivors in Israel, most over the age of 80—and 31,000 over 90. Many live in substandard housing on meager incomes.
Maria lives alone, with no close relatives in Israel, and she only has weekly video calls with her grandson in Canada. Mostly housebound, she has limited mobility. Her caretaker helps her with chores, personal needs, and errands. Maria’s small apartment has water leaks, and she can’t afford to make repairs on her small pension. But who could help her?
Thankfully, friends like you were there, through CBN Israel. Donors provided a contractor who repaired the damage, and renovated the apartment to current standards. Maria was thrilled to have a safe, clean, attractive home. They also gave her vouchers for nutritious food, medications, and other basic needs. Maria exclaimed gratefully, “Your kindness means more than you know!”
Your gift to CBN Israel can let this last generation of Holocaust survivors know they are not forgotten—along with single mothers, refugees, and others. The needs across the Holy Land continue to increase. Your support can reach out to the vulnerable with groceries, housing, financial aid, and more. And you can bring Israel’s news and stories to the world through CBN News.
Please join us in blessing this special nation and its people!

Barbara says
September 16, 2022 at 3:22 pmThe Israeli government brought hundreds to Israel through a special airlift Operation. Why aren’t they taking care of Holocaust survivors? Why are you BEGGING for outside donations? SHUNDER!
Who are you? Are you and your volunteers working free? Are you well compensated?
Barbara says
September 16, 2022 at 3:23 pmThe Israeli government brought hundreds to Israel through a special airlift Operation. Why aren’t they taking care of Holocaust survivors? Why are you BEGGING for outside donations? SHUNDER!
Who are you? Are you and your volunteers working free? Are you well compensated? NO I HAVEN’T said this before – prove it!
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