
Victim of Terrorism: Yulia’s Story

Yulia and her family lived in Kiev when the Ukraine war started. They hid in the town of Bucha—until a major Russian offensive made it a target, and they feared for their safety.

So, Yulia and her husband tried to flee to Israel with their three children, but he was detained at the border. Reluctantly, she and her kids continued without him, arriving with only their suitcases. Adapting to a new country where she didn’t know the language was difficult. And Yulia felt lonely and stressed, worrying about her husband’s wellbeing.

Now, after two years in Israel, she says, “All I want is to bring my husband here. He’s ready to go. We’re just looking for a way for him to finally leave Ukraine.” However, since October 7, the Hamas war has made their situation even more difficult. Trying to navigate life alone in Israel with three children, and in the middle of a war, was taking its toll on Yulia.

That’s why she was so grateful that friends like you were there to help her. Through CBN Israel’s partnership with a local ministry, caring donors delivered needed food packages—along with buying them a new refrigerator (to replace an old one that didn’t keep food cold) and a washing machine. Yulia shared, “Your support made us feel like we’re not alone. Thank you!”

Your generous gifts to CBN Israel can offer aid and encouragement to many others who feel alone. You can be there for aging Holocaust survivors, single mothers, immigrants, terrorism victims, and more.

And your compassionate support can also provide meals, essentials, housing, and finances to those in crisis from the war.


Your gifts mean so much—please join us in helping others!


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